Part 33 - Summer 2019 : Week 1-3 🌙

Start from the beginning

"She's a proper monkey these days."

"She's ours Zayn, what do you expect?"

"For her to not follow our example , we're so fucked." The younger dad groaned.


The three of them looked in shock towards the small girl. Lately she had become very confident in her speech and was slowly learning more and more. She had learnt how to put a few three word sentences together and honestly Zayn was proud... up until now. "Baby no! No you don't say that! Dede was naughty you can't say that!"

"No like?" Daislee quizzed with a small frown.

"Yes! No like! We don't like it when you say naughty words!" Harry praised.

"Uh oh." She mumbled cutely , snuggling into Zayn's neck.

"It's ok baby girl.. just don't do it again. We have to be so careful ... great." Zayn sighed.

"Welcome to the world of parenting a talking child." Theo snorted. "I'm sure you're in for a whale of a time! Hey!"

If he wasn't dying ... Zayn would have well and truly slapped him one. But it seemed life was doing that enough to the poor lad.
"Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humour."

"Never in a million years!"


By the time the group reached the caravan, Theo's legs had started to give out on him a little bit. He knew at some stage the cancer would attach to his spine. The only problem was it had hit just before they left, not even a week after his last appointment.

So here he was , struggling to walk more than two miles without a break and feeling as though nothing was going to plan.

"M' sorry you had to carry me." Theo sighed , carefully taking a seat next to Harry.

"It's fine mate."

"Is it? Carrying me wasn't exactly on the top of your list for the things you wanted to do this summer."

Harry smiled sadly . "Yeah well I'm pretty sure dying wasn't on yours either."

"Life is shitty like that... suppose I'm just used to it. Never really had luck with happiness." Theo replied.

"That's not true."


"You had Zayn, he's happiness in human form. You got lucky when you had him. In fact you still have him in a way." Harry pressed.

"That's true I suppose ... I just never had him in the way I wanted to have him. That's not your fault, it's not his either . Can't help who you fall in love with." The sick lad spoke. "It all worked out in the end, you and him are made for eachother."

"I just wish you could have found that with someone. You deserve to be loved Theo."


"Who would have thought this time last year we'd actually be having a moment like this." Harry suddenly voiced.

"I think this time last year we had quite the rile up." Theo smirked.

"That we did, sorted it out pretty quickly though."

"Only because you felt sorry for my dying ass." 

"What you two chin wagging about?" A voice chirped from the door way, both of them turning in shock.

"Perrie?!" Harry cheered jumping up to hug the blonde. "Why are you here?"

"Well you know me and Lou! When have we ever taken no for an answer?!" Perrie squealed.

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