What do you want fury?

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I get out of the car that was specially sent to pick me up and stand in front of the Shield headquarters. Inside, I step into the elevator and go to the top floor. "Good morning miss, how can I help you?" I am greeted by a petite blonde. "Oh no need to help me. I know where I want to go," I say and leave her behind. I hear how she comes after me and wants to stop me but before she has reached me I have already walked through the double door into the office on my right and watch the man who is sitting behind the desk in front of me. The man looks up at me and can't help grinning. Looking past me, he signals to the blonde woman that she can go and that she should close the doors. "Well, if that's not Amilia. I didn't expect to actually see you here." I laugh as I drop into one of the armchairs in front of his desk. "Oh Nick, like I'll ever turn down an invitation from Nick Fury. You wanted to talk to me, here I am. What do you want?" I can see he's tensing up a little. Most wouldn't notice, but I can clearly see that the hairs on his arms have straightened up. "I need to talk to you about the Avengers," he says, looking almost meek. "The Avengers? What the hell should I have to do with the Avengers? You know I don't think too much of teamwork." "Would you please listen to what I have to say first?" he looks at me waiting. I shrug my shoulders, roll my eyes, and lean back in the chair. Without saying anything, I signal to him that he should talk. "The Avengers could use reinforcements. And you were the first one I thought of. I think it would be good for the Avengers to have someone in their circles who doesn't always play by the rules and who doesn't shy away from drastic measures. " He pauses shortly before looking at me meaningfully "I think both sides would benefit from it." I look at him with narrowed eyes. "I don't quite see how I should benefit from it ?!" "Look at it from the practical side. You could find new allies. Who knows ..... maybe you even make new friends? I know that you don't think much of teamwork, but sometimes it is an advantage not to be alone." "I've been alone most of my life and I've always got along well. And it didn't hurt me either," I say while I get up and walk to the door. Just as I touch the handle he says "Oh, I forgot to mention that you have all the luxuries that Tony Stark calls his own. Your own gym and swimming pool. The latest technology and the best cars. Great parties and a credit card without Limit." Well, please, Fury, we're getting closer to the matter. I turn around and act unimpressed. "You're lucky that I have nothing better to do and that I like you. But I won't pretend. If someone has a problem with me, that's not my problem. And I decide when I've had enough and when I go . And I also decide whether to let them know who I really am or not." Fury smiles, pleased that I accepted the offer. "I can live with that. I will inform Tony that you will be there tomorrow. And never forget - I will always keep an eye on you, Amilia." "All right. Then I'll start tomorrow. But you can tell him right away that he doesn't have to expect me before twelve noon. Beauty needs her sleep." I don't see it, but I'm sure Fury is shaking his head in amusement. On the way to the elevator I say goodbye to Blondi who just looks at me annoyed. She's actually angry because I left her behind earlier. If the little one knew what I could have done to her. She should be glad I just ignored her.

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