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Changing The Ending




I didn't respond while I put the ship into motion.

"I would've been fine on my own," Kyda-Sin went on to say, looking out to the stars. "In fact, I'd probably prefer to be on my own. This is quite a personal matter. It's bordering on inappropriate, the fact that you're coming with me."

"You talk too much."

She was taken aback by my words, her head immediately turning to me. "Excuse me?"

I gave her an arrogant look. "You heard me."

With a huff, she looked back at the stars. Saying nothing, she fiddled with her seatbelt, and I could feel her discomfort.

"You didn't come to my chambers last night," I uttered after a few minutes of silence.

"So?" She asked curtly.

"Are you upset with me?" I questioned. "Have I unknowingly done something to offend you?"

She rolled her eyes. "No." You've quite knowingly done it, I heard her think to herself.

"I was waiting for you last night."

"I'm burying my last friend today," She stated, folding her arms across her chest. "I apologize for not being in the mood to share a bed with you on the eve of his funeral."

I let out a low hum. "I could have provided you with some comfort."

"I didn't want the comfort you provide," She replied with a cold tone.

Frustrated, I pulled off my mask and turned to her. "Kyda, there's only so much of this attitude I'll take. You're getting close to the limit."

"Oh. I'm terrified," She said flatly.

I let out an aggravated sigh before putting the ship into hyperspace. Her demeanor made me feel out of control, and I needed to get it back. "You should be. Do not forget what I am, Kyda-Sin."

"What are you gonna do?" She asked me with a raised brow. "Kill me? Go ahead."

My gloved hands clenched into fists. Before I said something I'd regret, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and took in a deep breath. "You're grieving. I understand that," I said simply, keeping my eyes off her.

A somber silence grew between us. If I looked at it from a shallow level, I wasn't sure why she was angry at me. But, looking deeper, I knew that Kyda was upset that I hadn't yet said the three words she wanted to hear.

It wasn't as though I didn't feel it. I'd be lying if I tried to deny that Kyda-Sin had taken residence in my heart, soul and mind, but I'd also be vulnerable if I admitted it aloud. She knew. Deep down, she knew how I felt. So why, then, did my ability to verbalize it matter?

"I have some work on Alderaan," I said after some time. "Once we land, I'll leave you to bury your friend in peace."

And I stuck by my promise.

The second we got to Alderaan, I left her with Sev's coffin so she could bury him alone. Meanwhile, I had a mission of my own.

Ever since we found the destroyed village on Eriadu, I had been searching for answers. The lightsaber marks let me know that it was likely a Force-user who was behind it- but who?

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇'𝙎 𝘼𝘿𝙑𝙊𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙀 • 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙝 𝙫𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now