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A New Friend



Still mourning Noa, I couldn't do him the disrespect of replacing my grief with my immature heartbreak. His absence deserved more than to be the second-biggest devastation in my life at that time, and I could not let Vader hold the title of being the main conductor of my pain.

It was easier to simply ignore the pain altogether.

Instead, I felt rage. I was infuriated with Vader for leaving me without a source of comfort after I had lost my best friend, and without chocolate on my pillow in the mornings. I was infuriated with myself for ignoring Taro Seppenzi's warning all those months ago. I was infuriated with every single being I came into contact with, my rage having untethered and latching onto anything that dared to come within two feet of me.

But most of all, I had a newfound fury directed at the Rebels. Only one stole Noa's life, but I wouldn't relent until every single cursed one of them paid for it.

To channel my anger, I buried myself in work. The X-A1 Destroyer wasn't destructive enough. It didn't cause as much damage as it could have. I wanted to arm the Stormtroopers with a weapon that would rain through the Rebels like shooting stars through the night sky.

The Letali Bomb was still on my mind. It would have been destructive, yes, but there were only so many I could arm the troopers with. I needed to build a handheld gun for each and every one of the soldiers to wield. I needed the hearts of the Rebels to be filled with fear at the mere sight of them. I needed them to know that they were going to die, and know that there was nothing they could do about it.

"Miss Damri," Sev's voice called out from the doorway, getting my attention as he waddled in. "The canteens are going to close in twenty minutes. You are yet to eat a meal today."

"Incorrect," I muttered, scrawling down notes. "Don't you see the energy bar wrappers?"

I heard the dull thud of him taking a few steps forward before he spoke again, with a little more vigor. "I command you to eat, Miss Damri."

Surprised, a laugh left my mouth as I looked up at him. "You command me?"

"Indeed," He confirmed. "Your mother's last instruction for me was to protect you and your sister. Having already failed half of that duty, you can understand why I am greatly motivated to keep you alive and well."

"I hardly think a few missed meals will kill me, Seven-"

"You will eat, Miss Damri," He stated curtly, taking me aback. "The authority of your mother has been passed down to me, thus you are obligated to do as I ask. There aren't many things that I'd exercise this right on, but your health is one of them, if not the only one."

With a sigh, I put down my pen. "Is there anything besides my obedience that will make you leave me alone?"

"No," He answered bluntly. "Now, come. I will accompany you to ensure you are properly nourished."

Knowing he wouldn't stop until he knew I had eaten, I reluctantly put my work away and allowed him to lead me to the nearest canteen. There were a few troopers and guards scattered around, but it was quiet.

When I entered, I could feel their eyes on me. I knew what they were seeing when they looked at me. They saw the deranged General who lost her mind after the news of her friend's death. They saw the woman who attacked four Stormtroopers, landing them in the med ward.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇'𝙎 𝘼𝘿𝙑𝙊𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙀 • 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙝 𝙫𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now