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Once I got dressed after my shower, I curiously made my way over to my bed to find out what it could have been. The box itself was wooden and plain-looking, but the fact that it came from Vader meant I shouldn't have underestimated its contents.

Inside was a metal card with what looked like a Ho'Din scripture carved onto it, accompanied by a small purple sack. In the sack were around fifty small grey pills, and I immediately recognized them.

If Darth Vader was one thing, it was cautious. If he was two things, the second would be presumptive; presumptive of the fact that we were going to be having sex up to forty-nine more times.

Admittedly, it made me feel a lot more secure that he was being so careful as to provide me with pregnancy-preventing medication, so I happily took one before indulging in the chocolate and making my way to the gym.

"Again, and harder this time!"

"You sure?"

Playfully glaring at him, I folded my arms across my chest. "You're going easy on me. What good is that?"

Aim let out a laugh, holding up his arms. "It's hardly like you're preparing for the battlefield."

Just twelve hours earlier, I was bent over Vader's desk, and the electricity hadn't left my body since. I felt energized and light, and it showed in how hard I was willing to train. I gently punched his chest. "Come on, Aim, make it hurt."

Something flickered in his eyes at my words. He took a step towards me, his face void of the usual friendliness that lived there. "You sure you can handle that, General?"

Blinking up at him, I felt my heart still racing from our sparring session. "Trust me, trooper. I can take more than you'd ever imagine."

He tilted his head, a sly smile pulling at his lips. "You shouldn't underestimate my imagination."

I wasn't sure what to make of our one-to-one conversations. To me, it was just some friendly flirting as a pleasant break from work, and I hoped he saw it as the same. "You should learn to tame it then," I told him with a playful warning tone. "Who knows what sort of things might run through your mind if you let them?"

Aim took another step towards me, until our bodies were almost touching, his dark eyes gazing down at me. "If you want, I could tell you about a few of them."

Maybe this was going too far; maybe I was leading him on. But I was a General and he was a Stormtrooper; it couldn't have been any more obvious that nothing more than talk would ever happen between us.

My hand rested on his tight bicep, slightly squeezing it before shooting him a wink. "Only if you give me a live demonstration, too."

Aim began slowly inching his face down to mine, and I knew that I had officially gone too far. Realizing he was about to kiss me, I took a step back, causing his brows to furrow. Before either of us could address the growing tension in the room, the doors to the gym swung open. In walked Noa with Runner and Trip, the three of them laughing about something.

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