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Moustache And The Suit



There were many things Noa and I could have done as a response to being hired by the Imperials. Finding a remote planet and living out our lives hidden from the eye of the Empire was one of them. Perhaps one of the smarter actions.

Drinking until we stopped caring for the consequences was another.

"Top-up, Angel?" Noa asked me with his eyes shut as he held out the half-empty bottle of green liquid.

I took a deep breath and held out my empty glass. "Hit me."

One of the things we both found it hard to get used to was the notion of Noa treating me like an adult. When we met, I was barely a teenager eager to meet my father's favorite employee, and he was the hard-headed man twice my age with a critical tongue. And now it was almost as though I was his boss.

"Remember the time you stole your father's Kyrf and drank two thirds of the damn bottle?" He asked me with a chuckle. "Took me all night before I finally found you on the roof, rambling about the price of a star."

His words made me smile, which they often did. Even in times of uncertainty, the knowledge that Noa was with me kept me relatively calm. "You danced with me until I was sober again."

He then got up to his feet with a sudden burst of energy, pulling back his shoulders before stretching his hand out towards me. I was confused, but took it nonetheless. His hand tightly held mind and he dragged me up onto my feet, making me frown. Before I could protest, he whisked me over to the middle of the main room, and had placed his free hand on my hip. Taking his lead, I rested my hands on his shoulders and allowed him to lead me in a silent dance, unaccompanied by the melody of music which would have hidden the awkward sounds of our feet on the floor and the drunken giggles leaving my mouth.

"I didn't think you'd ever want to dance again," I said, my head bopping to an inaudible beat.

Noa twirled me around, a bright smile on his face. "You never asked."

I looked around our home, which was decorated with scrap metal and blueprints. Though it wasn't homely in the traditional sense, it was all I needed to feel safe. Knowing that our safety wasn't guaranteed anymore scared me. I rested my head on Noa's chest, a slight pout on my lips. "Have we made a mistake?"

He sighed, his hand rubbing circles on my back. "Either that, or the best damn decision of our lives."

"I hesitate to predict it'll go that way," I replied with a mumble, my eyes fluttering shut. "I'm terrified, Noa."

"I know," He whispered, wrapping me in a tight hug. "But being terrified is good. It means you're alive."

Word travelled fast. An Imperial ship was seen flying from our warehouse, and that sort of rumor wasn't one to be kept quiet.

"Are you insane?" Taro Seppenzi asked me with a bright red face, pacing in front of me.

Sitting on the sofa, I stayed slumped down, feeling the effects of the copious amount of alcohol I had consumed the night before. "Why do you care, Taro?"

"Is this because Queen Breha hired me?" He asked me with a frown. "You trying to one-up me, or something?"

"That's enough, Seppenzi," Noa said sternly from behind him, leaning against the far wall. "Our business has nothing to do with you."

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇'𝙎 𝘼𝘿𝙑𝙊𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙀 • 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙝 𝙫𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now