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What Lies Beneath




Beloved friend, trustworthy partner, and the only other person whose weaponry skills impressed me. The closest thing to a brother I knew. The best advisor. Sometimes a little overbearing, but he meant well."

The small shrine in a forgotten corner of the Death Star wasn't what he deserved. It was most definitely not what he would have wanted, but it was all I could give him. I had gathered some of his personal items and built up a small collection to showcase his life and work and ensure that he lived on, even if only through photographs and sentimental objects.

"He was a good motivator," Runner said, stepping forward with her mask in her hands. "Always knew how to raise my spirits when I wasn't feeling my best. He knew the perfect thing to say, every time."

I nodded, my chest aching as I realized I'd never experience being comforted by Noa again. I'd never again know the softness of his voice while he reassured me that everything would be alright. That everything would work out in the end.

"He had a way of making us feel heard," Trip added, a solemn look on his face. "Like we weren't just soldiers to him; we were his friends."

They continued sharing short anecdotes about Noa, some of them warming my heart while others reminded me of my guilt.

Thankfully, I could distract myself with the meeting, during which I proposed my plan to covertly send troopers to Teth.

"It may take a while, but I have full faith that it is worth the time and resources," I stated confidently, hoping I was making Vader proud. He sat at the head of the table, and I wondered if a small smile was playing at his lips under the mask.

"It makes sense," Admiral Sakodi commented with a nod. "It's a risk, but one which you've backed up with evidence and conviction. I'm impressed, General Damri."

Rivven said nothing, silently seething in his chair. I could tell an insult was at the tip of his tongue, but he knew better than to throw it at me after what Vader did to him the other day.

"I suggest we send the Scout Troopers out by the end of the week," I said, feeling a little more confident now that I had Sakodi's support.

"Very well," Vader finally spoke, gaining the attention of everyone. "Rivven; brief a group of Scouts and send them out. Reiterate the importance of them staying undetected by the Rebels."

"Yes, Lord Vader," Rivven replied through gritted teeth, his cold eyes landing on mine for a split second.

Once the meeting was drawn to an end, I gathered up my notes while the others left the room. All but one of them.

"Your research skills are outstanding," He said, making me look up from the papers with a small smile.

"Thank you, Director Krennic," I replied nimbly, inwardly proud of myself for gaining his approval.

Krennic walked around the table and over to me, resting his hands on the back of one of the chairs. "You're self-assured, which isn't rare, but you also have the smarts to back it up which is a unique quality indeed. I want you to know that I would be thrilled to have you on my team."

His words took me by surprise. When I first got here, Krennic practically shunned me from his projects, to the point where he threatened to expose my Letali bomb plans to Rivven if I said anything about what I overheard that day, and now he was offering for me to join him?

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