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A Stolen Kiss



I thought over Sergeant Frotis' question for a few seconds, keeping my eyes hooked onto his before answering him. "Other people."

He chuckled and nodded, slowly pacing up and down the training room. We were the only ones there as it was late in the evening, which provided us with some privacy. "Anybody in particular?" Frotis pressed, tilting his head.

I shook my head. "My rage isn't discriminatory. Everyone has the potential to be at the receiving end of it."

"Understood," He mumbled, folding his arms across his chest. "And what is it about other people that angers you?"

"When they assume that I'm weak," I answered truthfully. "That I'm unable to handle pain or risk."

"What I'm hearing is that you hate being underestimated," Frotis said observantly.

"Correct," I confirmed with a nod.

A curious look came about his face as he walked closer to me. "And what if I told you that I could rid everyone of those assumptions? Make it so that every single being, not only on the Death Star but in the galaxy, was aware of your skill and strength?"

I didn't allow myself to feel excited at his words, as it took more than just words to gain my trust. "I'd tell you that you spin a fine tale, Sergeant."

His lips curled up into a smile and he clasped his hands together. "You could be so much more than just a weapons maker, Kyda-Sin. You could be one of the greatest warriors the Imperial Army has ever seen," He said, lowering his voice to a whisper. "You could be an annihilator of Rebels, and not just vicariously through your weapons wielded by the troopers. Through your own hands."

With narrow eyes, I took a step back. "Are you asking me to become a Stormtrooper?"

A dry laugh left his mouth. "I'd never disrespect you like that. What you could be is much greater than just a soldier. You'd be a machine."

All I could think about doing since Noa's death was killing Rebels. Perhaps Frotis knew that, and was taking advantage of my newfound passion in order to build himself a human weapon, but I didn't care. "How?"

He looked me up and down with an unreadable expression on his face. "You have it in you already, Kyda-Sin. That much was made evident two weeks ago when you took down four Stormtroopers. All I ask of you is to allow me to visit that part of your mind; that side of your brain which usually remains dormant. Under my tutelage, you will unlock its potential and gain control over your full strength, free to use it whenever you so wish."

"And then what?" I asked him with a frown. "I fight alongside the troopers?"

"If that's what you want to do," He replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "But you'd be the deadliest of combatants. Your unbridled strength combined with the proper training will see you to becoming a great fighter. Downing Rebels will be but a relaxing pastime compared to what you'd be truly capable of."

Soon after that, I took my leave, telling Frotis that I needed time to think over his proposal. The truth was, I wasn't all too surprised by his revelation. I had seen true rage in my father; I was raised being taught that anger was a strength. To learn that somewhere in my mind was a rage, sitting and waiting to be unleashed, was a fact I could easily come to terms with.

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