Unbeating Heart

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"You're all pampered up." She stated.

"Nothing special, just following Alice's...orders, I suppose. I guess I'm just gonna sit around all day."

"Well, I don't think that's an option." When I was about to ask her what she meant, she spoke, "Your eyes are very dark."

At first, I didn't know what she meant, and then I remembered the fact that vampire's eyes darkened in colour when they became thirsty. "Oh, I better change clothes."

"Do you want me to come with you?" I thought about it, but I didn't want to waste Rosalie's time.

"I think I'll be alright. If I come back with blood on my clothes, then maybe you can come next time?"

"That'll be fun." She smiled, and left to make Renesmee's lunch.

After changing into a plain black tee-shirt and jeans, along with some old trainers, I went downstairs, to see how everyone was, before I left. However, when I got down there, only Rosalie and Renesmee were in sight.

"Where is everyone?" I asked Rose.

"They went into town for a break."

"And Josh?" I questioned.

"Seems so," She shrugged. "Are you leaving now?"

"I need to get it over with."

"Where are you going Momma Bear?" Renesmee asked me.

"I'm going for a hunt, and I want you to be good for Aunt Rose, Ok?"

"Ok," She paused. "But can't I come with you?"

"Momma Bear wants to see if she can be more careful, Nes." Rosalie answered for me.

I smiled at her in thanks, and walked out the door.


Taking a deep breath, I scanned the forest carefully for any signs of movement; however there was nothing. Not ready to give up so quickly, I slowly stalked forwards, and advanced towards the scent of a trail. There was day-old footprints in the mud, which, to a human, would not be visable. I followed them, and stepped carefully, making sure not to make any noise. The scent was becoming stronger, and so was the sound of breathing. I was close. I moved quicker, until I rested behind a small bush. A deer was right in-front of me, breathing softly, eyes looking straight, jaws slowly devouring a part of the bush. I waited until the deer was alone, too busy eating to notice it's group wandering away. I finally let the last part of my hunter's instinct take over, and pounced. I clasped the animal tightly, and stopped it from moving with my restricting grasp. My lips found a pulse of it's furry neck, and I bit, deep. The deer whined and struggled, the cruel venom entering it's system. Blood flowed from the wound, and quickly glided down my throat. I gulped quickly and swiftly, so this could be done with.

A twig snapped in the distance, but I didn't budge, I couldn't move from my feast. I took a sniff, and instantly recognised the scent. Human. However, the urge to quench my fill was too strong, and my hunter told me to deal with the human later. As I knew I would, I obeyed, and drenched the deer dry. I didn't need to snap it's neck to stop any change because the deer was now already dead. I took a breath, and realised the human was closer, alot closer. To stop me from attacking, I took strong breaths in and out, to let the hunter go. I didn't want to hurt the human, no matter how strong the urge was.

When the temptation finally subsided, I turned to face the human, who was now standing a few meters behind me, shock and disgust covering their face. In my recent hunt, I hadn't spilled any blood, but I had shown the only person who really loved me the monster I truly was.

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang