Chapter Nine

Beginne am Anfang

“My grandpa said you’ve lived in that area all your life. I’ve never seen you. You probably don’t remember me, because I wasn’t always a cute kid.” He shrugs, smiling. “I was what, seventeen when you were fourteen? I don’t remember seeing a young girl around the neighborhood, nor the farms. So no, I don’t remember you.”

The sad part about that was when I was in my room, right before Cayla came to dress me up like a doll, I remember going outside one day, it was hot as hell. Like honestly really hot, and I was already a nice brown color, but I couldn’t stay in the house any longer. I walked outside, down the street and to this park that had a bunch of boys there. Some were shirtless, playing, and others were just watching. Being the thirsty fourteen years old girl I was, I went over, hoping to catch an eye of a hot older guy.

 I now realize that I’m being a little tramp and that I needed to leave. However, that didn’t stop a very sexy blonde teen with his shirt off, looking my way after he gets done playing. Well I thought he was, but I was shut down when a brunette chick that i knew realize was India, comes running beside me, in his direction. They hug and kiss. I scowled myself for coming out side when it felt like hell’s fire was consuming me. I walk back to my grandparents house that day, and meet my cousin in the kitchen.

“Well I was never near the farm, unless my grandparents made me. And I wasn’t a very active kid.”

Old Callie chomped at another apple, until she was done. Will took the reins from me, “You wanna go fast?” I didn’t get a say, because he forces the reins in my hands and wraps his around mine. He makes a tsking noise with his mouth and Old Callie starts moving in a faster pace. She was galloping, and I thought I was going to fall over, but Will had me nicely wrapped up in his arms. The wind was blowing my hair. It was exhilarating how fast, and free this was making me feel.

Why haven’t I done this before?

When we near Will’s dad and India, you couldn’t hide her face. She looked upset.

“You guys looked amazing out there! How did it feel Logan?”

I smiled. “It felt great. Thank you so much for letting me ride.”

His father shakes his head, “Anytime darling.”

 “Are we done, it’s getting quite dark.” India’s irritated voice said.

“She’s right. We should go dad.” Will gets down from the horse effortlessly. I try to get down from the horse myself, but my foot slips. “Ah!” I almost hit the floor, but hands go around body.

I turn my head to see Will’s face. He looked afraid.

“Logan you—“Let me go.” I said to him. He safely lets me down from his arms. “Next time fucking be careful and wait for me to help you down.” He cursed at me.

He’s kidding right? He was ready to skip his way out of here with India, he wasn’t worried about me.

“There won’t be a fucking next time.” I push him out the way and thank his dad again.

 He was putting Old Callie back in her stable. “Don’t let my son get to you; he’s protective about the women in his life.” He nods his head over to Will and India talking.

Will looked tired and India looked irritated.

“That one, I never approved of, but you, I wouldn’t mind. I personally think my son should try something new.”

 I shook my head. His father is ridiculous.

“Nothing is going to happen between me and your son. At least if something did, it wouldn’t last.”

He turns around looking at me. “Why not? You never know—“Oh I do know. It’s complicated.”

I give him one last small smile, before leaving to go back inside.

I ignore them again and just go back in Cayla’s old room to get dressed. “Oh you can keep those clothes; I have more riding gear where that came from if you want to go again.”

I frown, folding up my dress. I was already tired and didn’t feel like stripping just yet.

“I’m not. It was fun, but I don’t have the time to—“Logan, I’m sure Will can let you ride his horse at home.”

I shake my head, “No it’s fine. Are you ready to go? I think I have to go in early to work tomorrow.” Cayla holds up her keys, “Let’s go.”

We get back in the car and drive home. Cayla unlocks her doors and tells me goodnight. I go inside the house and turn off the lights. When I get to the kitchen, I go to turn off the light and see Will making a sandwich.

“Logan.” He calls my name, not even looking up from his bread.

“Cayla and I stopped to get some ice-cream and then we came home. Don’t worry fairy godmother; I’m back before the clock stroke twelve.”

Will laughs, “Where did you leave your glass slippers?”

I shrug, not understanding why he was trying to play along, and not letting me sleep.

“I don’t know it was a joke.”

He laughs again. “I was going to say, tell me so I don’t slip on them.”

He looks up, waiting for me to laugh. I do it, giving into his lame attempt.

“Hey since you shared some things about you, I owe you a moment to talk about myself.” He said. I waved him off, “You don’t have to—“Nope. I’m going to hold up my end of the bargain.”

I scoffed, “Whatever. I’m going to sleep now; I have to go to work in the morning.”

I leave him in the kitchen and go to sleep. 

I'm so sorry again, at how short this chapter is. I ran out of things to write about, after this part, but I wanted tp update. So here it is. :D There will be more I promise, I'm emjpying writing this story and I want to know what you guys think about it as well. 

What do you think is going to happen between Will and Elliot? 

Alright, I love you guys. Make sure you Don't forget to Comment, Vote, and Share this story. I know it's probably starting outslow or something, but it's going to get better I promise. It's going to get jucier and juicer be the minute. :) I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. And if you read The OWR series, get ready for that too. :D 

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