CHAPTER 29: Take Two

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom - 2020

Winston, Nathaniel, Nicole: 22 Mila: 22 Sophia: 21 Ruben: 21

William: 20 Stephen: 11 Penelope: 11

Oliver: 11 Mari: 10 Diana: 10 Skylar: 2

Oliver practiced with Princeton who had called Winston to watch. Winston sat on the corners watching attentively looking down at his chart as Princeton launched some attacks making Oliver use high level spells specially for his age. Finally Winston had enough, he got up and called them to stop. "Where did you learn the spells?" Winston asked. "... I read them from a book Sophia lent me." He answered as Winston crossed his arms. "And you understood them?" Winston asked. "Yeah, they aren't that difficult." He answered as Princeton stared at Oliver then to Winston. "When did you start using magic?" Winston asked, turning to Princeton. "Sixteen" He answered as he turned to Winston. "And you?" Princeton asked.

"Ten," Winston said as they both turned to Oliver. "Oh my turn?" He asked, turning to both of them. "When did you learn?" Winston asked. "Sophia was teaching me once I turned three and she was trying to figure out her own magic," Oliver answered. "Three?" Princeton asked wrinkling his nose a bit jealous. "Yeah, I learned more control when I turned six" He chuckled. "...Can I see your arm?" Winston asked as Oliver nodded, rolling up his sleeve to reveal a very prominent magic user mark. It had taken his years to get his that clear and from the looks of it so had Princeton.

However Oliver at eleven had his mark as clear as day without a blur in any part of his mark. "You're... a high level magic user?" Winston said as Oliver looked over at his mark. "I think? I don't know I just thought mine was darker than my brothers, you know like some people are more tan than others" Oliver answered. "You don't think he's someone from the past, do you?" Princeton asked.

Winston stared at Oliver for a while before shaking his head. "No, I can't think of anyone reasonable to be this kid" Winston answered as Princeton shrugged. "Not even uncle Sullivan?" Princeton asked. "... No, I don't think so. He learned magic quickly but I'm sure he would be closer to our age if he came back," Winston answered as Princeton nodded. "You're right, He is still alive anyway so that would be weird wouldn't it?" Princeton answered. "He's... still alive and you care to bring him up as a candidate?" Winston asked glaring over. "I was a good guess either way," Princeton answered as Oliver glanced back and forth at the exchange. "If I'm someone from the past can I choose who I want to be or am I stuck?" Oliver asked, getting their attention. "You're not. Now, keep up the good work. I'll go check my old office for any books you can make use of" Winston said, patting Oliver's head.

Location: Terrana, Night Kingdom

Hannah: 20 Eleanor: 11

Nathaniel was setting the table when Katherine and Eleanor arrived, "You two are early" He said as Katharine smiled. "Of course, it's better than being late don't you think?" She said going in to look for Hannah. "Quiet true," Nathaniel chuckled as Eleanor waved at him. "Did you guys invite the little Prince my mother spoke about... or that other little girl? I'm sure Eleanor would love to meet them, don't you think?" Katherine said as Nathaniel followed. "No, they won't be coming today. Prince Frederick wanted to spend some time with him and Diana is with William today" He said as Katharine crossed her arms. "Mm, well can't you do a playdate for them? I do think Eleanor needs more friends with a bit more charm than just Oliver." she answered as Nathaniel chuckled. "I don't think that's what you'll find with those two but I'll ask Naeva about arranging that" He said as Katharine smiled.

"We can also ask about bringing Eleanor over instead," Hannah added as Katherine shook her head. "Oh good heavens no. As much as I'd like for her to mingle with the royal family I wouldn't want her in the forest itself. Not with the dark magic it has," Katherine answered. "Queen Naeva control's that magic as long as she's alive, passing through should be okay, right Nathaniel?" Hannah asked. "Yeah, I mean it was still safe before but I supposed it is safer now. We also have a lot of well trained guards that protect the traveler through the paths," Nathaniel added. "No, I simply cannot let her go there. I wouldn't know how safe she would be." She answered as Hannah glanced over at Nathaniel. "He was in the team before, I'm sure he's qualified to guard us through," Hannah answered.

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