CHAPTER 14 : Proper Introduction

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

Since being back I had not met with any officials from the forest. Nor had I really done much public appearances. I decided to start with a meeting with the Representatives for the units. When I arrived at the room they were all sitting on their chairs, Princeton had come with me since he was in charge and knew them well. They stood up as we entered and bowed without losing me out of their sight. "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, gentleman," I said, making my way to my chair. "When we heard the Guardian came back we didn't expect it to be a kid '' One man said looking down at me. "A kid in appearance indeed. However do not let it distract you" I said looking around the room. "So how's a little princess like you gonna govern a kingdom like this'' another one joked. "Princess?... Seems like your family has failed to educate you about your kingdom's history" I replied walking around the room. "I am Naeva Night, Queen and Guardian of the Night kingdom and you shall address me as such, understand?" I claimed, arriving back at my seat.

He seemed to have more to say but kept quiet when Princeton glanced over. Apart from that, the meeting went surprisingly well. Princeton and I left before them, we made our way to my office.

"Who was that aggravating man!" I said as soon as we entered, "That would be Kairo, unit 7 representative," Princeton answered sitting on one of the chairs in front of my desk. "And how did he get to this position with such a horrible personality?" I asked. "He's one of the ones that passed training very easily compared to the others" Princeton responded. "Well it looks like some need a bit more historical knowledge. This team would not have been founded if it wasn't because of my crazy ideas" I said sitting on my chair. "That may be true, but these men weren't there when that happened so just let them know slowly" Princeton responded by playing with one of the pens from my desk.

I opened my window to get some fresh air and noticed a little girl walking towards the castle. "She's not one of yours is she?" I asked Princeton as he made his way to look. "Nope, she is one of the representative's daughters" He responded. Stephen and Diana ran out of the castle and hugged the girl. "Oh they know her," I said making my way down to meet her, she seemed to look a bit familiar as well. Princeton followed me. "Oh, there's also one more thing about that girl," Princeton said, stopping me before I opened the door to the outside. "What is that?" I was a bit concerned. "She's from commander Russou's bloodline..." Princeton answered as Frederick joined. "Ingrid? She's from Ingrid's family?" I asked. "Princeton don't" Frederick said. "Why?" Princeton asked. "Yeah why?" I asked, looking at Frederick.

"Fine, go ahead tell her. Mom I swear I didn't even know they were seeing each other" Frederick said before leaving the room. "So? You were saying" I asked you to turn to Princeton. "...She's also from the Charice bloodline," Princeton answered. "... so like Ingrid's descendants with Cornelius' descendants?" I asked, a bit confused since I didn't remember either Ingrid or Cornelius and Rosalie ever speaking to one another. "No, more like Cornelius had an affair with Ingrid" Princeton responded. "WHAT!! Wait, what happened, how?" I asked, confused even more since Cornelius always played by the book. "Frederick never wanted to be involved with that so we can't answer all your questions, I only know from the team's record files" Princeton responded.

I opened the door and walked over to where the kids were. "Hi, there" I said approaching her. "Hi, ma'am," she said bowing. "What's your name?" I asked. "Penelope" She responded shyly. "She helped my sister and me," Stephen said, joining the conversation. "She did?" I asked since she was their age. "She would bring us food and water" he responded as she kept quiet in the back. "Well, you're welcome to come back anytime to play" I said as she nodded softly. "Naeva, have you finished your work?" Diana asked. "Um, sorta. Why?" I responded. "Can we bake a cake?" she asked, looking at me sweetly. "A cake? Is there an occasion?" I asked. "Mm, for the reunion, when your other son comes," she responded.

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