CHAPTER 6: Let's Get Princeton

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The next morning I walked down stairs with a crazy idea I couldn't take out of my head. "And why are you so happy?" Winston asks. I smile then answer "Wouldn't it be great to have the boys here". "No, not really Princeton deserves to be punished for his action and he's the only one that knows their location plus he's in the Quarantine prison so he is not allowed visitors" he says. I just stare at him and my smile has faded. "Then he will receive his punishment from his mother" I responded as I walked closer to him. "Naeva what are you thinking?" he responds, a smirk is shown in my face "We are going to break him out" I answer as I look at him. He looks confused "What you mean by we" he says and takes a step backward. "You know what I mean, let's get him out, he's still our son no matter what he's done" I answer " What no... he's like one of the most wanted criminals in the world" He says. "Well then I'll go by myself I don't need you" I say as I walk in the kitchen to prepare something I can snack on the way.

"Whoa... nope you're not going anywhere" he said as he pulled me by my arm. "And who gave you the authority to say if I am going or not, if I remember right I am the Queen," I say, pulling away. "So? you're not going anywhere especially if it will get you in trouble" he says. "If you're not coming with me then shut up and wait for my return is that clear" I tell him as he bows his head a bit annoyed. "Where are you going?" Diana asks as she sees me with my bag and heading towards the door. "I'm gonna get my son out of prison" I say as I continue to walk. "I wanna go," she says and tries to catch up. I smile and turn to look at Winston "Okay but you'll have to ask Winston he is your caretaker" I tell her and she rushes to him "Can I go please" she pleads to him with a smile "Fine but I'm going with you and were taking a car" he says as he walks behind me "Okays lets go" I says as he steps into the car reluctantly.

The first couple of minutes of the ride are silent till I try to start some conversation. "So... I have come up with a plan, Diana you will distract the guards with your cuteness and Winston you will come..." I say before I get interrupted by him. "What no, no, no, you're not putting Diana in this" he says I just smile at him. He seems confused. I prefer not to tell him though. It's just as I thought he's become attached to Diana just like I thought.

Location: Canterlot, Lavine Kingdom

When we arrived I asked the driver to park in an alley nearby, "You guys stay here I'll be back" I say and leave at this time it's already dark. Being from the forest you may gain or be born with night vision much like bats. In the entrance there are two guards. I begin with a shadow spell that way they won't see me. The spell helps you travel through the shadows around you making it impossible for your opponent to see you. Once I'm in, I see three guards. I thought I'll have some fun with them and use a feline spell turning me into a cat. "And who let you in, little kitty?" One of the guards says then others just get closer when suddenly I remove the spell and hit them. They fall back in shock until one of them gets up and calls for backup. I smile at them and continue running. Once I've escaped them I hurry towards the dungeon. "Hello" I say to the guard at the door. "Who sent you here?" he asks with a firm voice. "I did" I answered and used a freezing spell and took the keys to the door.

I go inside the room with the cells full of criminals. I took the frozen guard with me, I thought I could use him as a door stopper or something. I walk down the hall looking for Princeton. "Hey, sweet cakes say you get me out of here and get rich" a man calls out from his cell. I just glance at him and freeze him like the guard. I continue walking further in, I don't see him anywhere until I see a guy with blueish hair laying down facing the wall of the cell. I rush that way hoping that's him, and sure enough it's him. I open the cell but he doesn't turn around, not even a bit. "I said I wished to be alone, is that not clear!" he says in an angry tone. I just look at him then answer "So I came all the way here so you could tell me that". He lifts his head and turns around slowly, his eyes are wide open as if he saw a ghost. "Mother... is that you? How did you find me- How are you alive?" he asked, confuse "Your father told me. Now come on let's go home" I say his eyes are tearing up as he looks down and wipes them up.

He slowly gets up and begins to walk behind me. "I'm surprised, the Lavine's let you come for me" he says "They didn't... that's why we're gonna have to run" I say as I look back at him. "So how should we get out?" I asked him, "You don't have a plan?" he said, worried. " you're sort of the expert in this" I answer he looks at me then responds "Mice" he says "Mice?" I asked and before I knew it he had turned us into mice and we began to rush to the exit. when we finally reached the exit after avoiding the guards. "So? what now?" he asks "your father is waiting for us in the car" I responded and his smile fades away. "He's here too" he says and looks down "Yeah he is" I say and continue to walk the rest of the way we were silent till we arrived. Diana had fallen asleep next to Winston by the time we got there.

Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

I came in and took a seat on the opposite side of them. When Princeton entered he glanced at Diana for a bit "Is she my sister?" he asks, Winston lifts his head up and turns to him. "She's lucky enough not to be related to you" he answers, this angers Princeton. "You say it like you're any better" he responds "This is no time for an argument, you'll wake her up" I say trying to calm them down. The whole ride back they kept glancing at each other. Winston carried Diana carefully trying not to wake her from her slumber. "If she isn't my sister what is she?" Princeton asks after Winston enters the castle with the small girl in his arms. "Your father will be watching over her until grows up" I answered, he looks at me and chuckles a bit as if I said joke "You seriously trust him" he says as he walks to the entrance "I thought it would do him good to care for someone else," I say as I follow.

Nathaniel was in the entrance, his eyes widened as he saw Princeton enter. "Sir, you've returned," he says and bows down. Princeton just looks down at him with a grin. "Get up Nathaniel" I say as I enter. He's trembling as he slowly stands up. This makes Princeton burst into laughter. "I'm sorry I haven't paid the debt," Nathaniel says, still shaking as he looks down. Meanwhile Princeton is still trying to control his laugh until he says "Don't worry about it, you're a friend of my mothers so consider it forgotten" he responds, smiles and walks away towards his room.

"What debt" I ask Nathaniel. He's still shaking but not as much as when Princeton was around " Nicole convinced him to give me a loan for my studies as a doctor and I haven't been able to pay it back yet" he said and looks at Princeton as he's walking up the stairs. "Oh... Nicole? why couldn't you convince him?" I asked. "Well... before Princeton disappeared a couple years ago and was captured by the royal guards he took Interest in her skill" he answered. I begin to realize something: perhaps Winston's personality split him into three different people.

Nathaniel being his more insecure and more thoughtful side and Nicole his leadership and more feminine side if I am right it's possible that's why Princeton took interest in Nicole for the reason that she reminded him of the fun times he spent with Winston when he was younger. But even if I am right it doesn't explain why the only one to have any memories of the past is Winston... I know I'll ask them questions, maybe they'll remember at least a small fragment of the past. "Naeva?" Nathaniel asks as he looks at me "what?.. sorry, can you tell me more?" I ask him " Yeah, sure but another day if it's okay" he answers. " Yeah sure" I smile and walk up to my room. Once I arrived there I thought of this all night.

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