CHAPTER 3: New Findings

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 The following morning we started making our way back to the forest. Ruben came by to say goodbye at the entrance of the forest.

Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

The entire way back William was silent, he seemed to be bothered somehow but wouldn't say why. Nicole and Nathaniel asked a few questions, though the majority of the time it was Winston doing all the talking constantly by my side. When we got back the guard I had met in the entrance, and recognized me, burst through the door. "Sorry to interrupt your highness, but it seems Unit 7 has been keeping two orphans as slaves" says the guard. "What! Let's go!" I say, running behind the guard as the rest followed. When we arrived, I saw a young boy that was really scrawny and fragile. You couldn't tell what color his hair was because it was filthy. There were two men mistreating him and making him work on the crops they had. When they saw us they stopped and looked at us as they pretended to care for the boy. "Stop your nonsense and release the boy," Winston said with a firm tone. The boy just stared at us scared, he seemed frightened as if the only thing he knew was anger and punishment. The others from the unit looked at him then one of them spoke. "What are you waiting for son" one of the men told the boy before he began to walk forward.

I stepped aside to ask the boy a few questions: "Are any of these people your relatives?" I ask as he stares at me then at the rest of the unit then back to me. "My sister," he responds, hardly making out the words. "Can you tell me where she is?" I ask. I couldn't help but remember a small boy which I had adopted in my past life. "she's in the shed" he answered as he pointed over towards a broken down building. "Winston, go check the shed" I commanded knowing I can count on him. I then looked backed down at the young boy who seemed terrified. Meanwhile Winston tore the wood planks that were covering the door until the area was big enough for him to enter. "Naeva, I think I found something!" Winston said. When he came out he was carrying something very scrawny and filthy "okay, let's go... Nathaniel, Winston bring the boy and the um... dragon?" I said as I tried to figure out what type of dragon it was.

"YOU CAN'T TAKE THEM THEIR OURS!" one of the men shouted as they moved closer " Uh... yeah I can watch me," I said and continued walking the opposite direction from the men. I could tell he was furious, but I ignored him and continued walking. When we arrived back at the castle the young boy seemed amazed at the size of the castle. "What do we do with them now?" Winston asked, meanwhile Nicole and William were in the kitchen making the boy something to eat. "You will take care of the dragon and Nathaniel the boy" I said before he interrupted "What! Why do I have to take care of one of them!" Winston responded. "Because Winston, you did make a point last time that you raised my sons. I'm sure you're capable of caring for the dragon right now as well." I answered, the room stayed quiet. Nathaniel said nothing, just looked at the boy and smiled.

After the boy finished eating Nathaniel had a bath ready for him. Winston, still upset about the arrangement, just ignored the dragon so I gave her a bath she needed. The dragon which was now clean was violet and white much like me. I tried feeding her but she was too weak, luckily Nathaniel had read a lot of doctor books and studied every once in a while and had many materials to get some nutrients, and found a way to feed her while she's weak. The young boy was also clean and had bright red hair. He had become inseparable towards Nathaniel. Winston soon gave in and began to care for the dragon.

Every night was the same. I kept remembering more and more each time with more detail, I kept remembering the guy with white hair covered in blood. I couldn't remember his name exactly but I knew we had been close. That memory would always cause me to wake up crying and to find William next to me. "I'm sorry" I said as I looked at him "For what I am the last one that should have reacted this way," he answered and held me closer. The room was completely dark except for the moonlight. I eventually fell back asleep, In the morning we were all in the dining room... well most of us the only one missing was Winston. so I decided to go up and check on him. He wasn't in his room, he was in the room assigned to the dragon.

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