CHAPTER 25: Kids

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Oliver played with Diana since Mari and Stephen read books in the library. "Hey, Diana, do you want to go check the old training room?" he asked as they ran up stairs after breakfast. "Yeah," she said, looking around to make sure Winston wasn't around before running. Oliver ran after her and pulled her back. "That's cheating," he said as she laughed. "No, we're not racing, you're just slow," She said. "No I'm not, I'm not you're just got a head start." Oliver said, shoving her. Diana pushed him down and got ready to run but Oliver pulled her back grabbing her wings. Diana turned and glared at him as he stood up. Oliver laughed and used his magic to teleport further ahead to keep her from pulling him.

Diana began to run to the door as Oliver tried to pull it open. "Weak!" Diana said, putting her hair up and trying to open it too. Once they pulled together it creaked open. "Your welcome," Diana said. "What are you talking about? I opened it with you," he said. "Sure," Diana replied, shrugging trying to go in but Oliver blocked her. "I'll go in first,'' he said. "...No, I'll go in first, haven't you heard ladies first."

"You're not a lady," Oliver said as they began to shove each other. "Watch it will you," he said as she walked past him. "You're in my way," She said, walking over to a bag that was in the corner. "I wonder if it has a sword." Oliver said, opening the bag. "Nathaniel said all weapons are in a place called the armory," she replied. "Aw, hey we can wrestle here and we won't have to worry about breaking Sophia's things," Oliver said smiling. "You're on," She said as they began to throw punches clumsily. Oliver already had some training from Nicole, who pinned her down. "I win!" he said but Diana was stronger being a dragon and quickly managed to switch him.

"No I did!" She said with a cocky smile. Oliver hit her arms as they held him in place making her lose grip of him. She ended up slamming her forehead on his just grazing each other's lips slightly. He pushed her off as they both whipped their mouths with disgust. "Ew, why would you kiss me," Diana said, wiping her mouth over and over. "You're the one that did it first," he said, spitting to the side. "Me? Me! I was a good distance from you." She answered by getting up. "...Don't tell anyone alright I already get teased at school with Eleanor, I don't want that here with you," he said, crossing his arms. "Like I'd tell anyone" Diana said leaving.

The next day they were all upstairs in the library with Nathaniel except for Oliver who was trying to get Nicole to train him a bit since Princeton had said he wouldn't train him until he got his grades up. He came up to join them after a while. "Hey Stephen, do you want to hang out with me today?" Oliver asked. "...No, Hannah and Nathaniel wanted to walk later today." Stephen answered. "You can go with Oliver for a bit," Nathaniel said. "Okay, but I will not rough house with you," Stephen said, sighing. Oliver smiled and they left.

"He didn't invite you today?" Nathaniel asked, glancing over at Diana. "No, but I don't care, he's a jerk anyway" She said. "...Can I leave?" Mari asked, glancing over at Diana and moving away from her. "Sure," Nathaniel answered as she quickly left. "Do you want to talk about it?" Nathaniel asked, sitting next to Diana. "No, Oliver and I just fought yesterday that's all," She said, crossing her arms, "You two are fighting more often nowadays," Nathaniel said. "No, not really." Diana said, looking down as Nathaniel picked her up. "Come on, Hannah has been asking me to bring you over to do your nails," He said, sitting her on his shoulders.

"Do my nails?" Diana asked, resting her head on his curls. "Paint them," he said as he began to walk. "Oh, like she has them?" Diana asked. "Yeah, she remembered you asked about it and brought some stuff for you," he said as they passed by Winston. "...What are you doing?" he asked, glancing up at Diana. "Nathaniel is taking me with Hannah," she said smiling as his gaze fell on Nathaniel. "Don't mind us," Nathaniel replied, walking ahead as long as you make sure she stays indoors," Winston said as Diana and Nathaniel waved at him. "Sure," Nathaniel replied.

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