CHAPTER 4: Stephen and Diana

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

I looked through all the books I could find that involved the words dragon but I didn't find any regarding Diana's. I took a deep breath and got up to take a rest from my research. As I looked up to the window it had already gone dark and Stephen had fallen asleep with his book on him. I got up and carried him to his room, a bit confused as to why the castle was so quiet. I would have already heard William or Winston but there wasn't anyone from the looks of it. Once I had set Stephen down. I checked the main entrance to find the others coming back. I used a teleportation spell to get to the main entrance.

"Where are you three coming from... where's Nathaniel?" I asked, making sure I didn't miscount. "Why do you want to know where he is?" Winston asked, stepping forward. "It's just a question" I answered. "He's in Terrana" William said as Nicole nodded. "Exactly now, have you eaten anything?" Winston asked. "....No, did you guys?" I asked. "You didn't see the food I left you at the dining table?" William asked. "You left me food?" I asked, even more confused. "Come I'll make you something warm" Winston said pushing me forward as Nicole chuckled, turning to William who looked away a bit upset.

"Don't tell me you're upset she didn't eat your food?" Nicole said laughing. "Sure" He said, walking in looking down the entire time as Nicole watched him. It wasn't that common to see him that moody.

Location: Terrana, Night Kingdom

As soon as Nathaniel got some free time he went back to Terrana to visit Hannah. He was accompanied by Stephen this time around now that he seemed much better than before, the entire way he was quite reading a book Nathaniel had been reading with him. He knocked on her door as he held Stephen's hand. Hannah opened the door and Stephen turned back facing forward. "...Whose this?" Hannah asked, glancing at Stephen then back to Nathaniel for answers. "Um, so there's a lot I need to tell you that I probably should have told you sooner," he replied, going in as Stephen followed. "Is he yours?" She asked, worried. "NO, yes, kinda. Okay not long ago a girl showed up in the forest and had been helping her get her memories back," Nathaniel said as Stephen took a seat on the couch to read the book. "Okay?" Hannah replied, sitting down as well.

"Well turns out she's Winston's ex-girlfriend and also Queen Naeva of the Night Kingdom so she put-" Nathaniel continued before Hannah covered her mouth. "Wait, wait you mean to tell me she is the Queen and your brother's ex??" Hannah said, trying to clarify. "Exactly, so it's not just that it turns out Winston is also King Princeton's father, So I'm technically his uncle... maybe," Nathaniel replied. "How? But aren't they from the 1800's? I remember hearing of Queen Naeva in my history book Nathaniel." Hannah said, trying to understand how it was possible. "I know, well anyway Naeva assigned me to care for Stephen since we found him and his sister last week." Nathaniel continued. "Naeva? You use only her name?" Hannah asked.

"Well she doesn't like being called Queen. She said we can also call her Sophia," Nathaniel replied shrugging. "I see, so where are his parents?" Hannah asked. "They died in a fire," Stephen replied, glancing up from his book. "...Oh, I'm sorry. What about other family members?" Hannah continued. "His grandmother also passed away not long ago." Nathaniel added. "I have a sister," Stephen replied looking up at Hannah and Nathaniel. "Oh, why didn't you bring her too?" She asked, looking over at Nathaniel. "She was very malnourished when we found her and is recovering at the moment," he answered. "Well then I'm happy to meet you Stephen. Would you guys like to eat or drink anything?" She asked. "Yes please," Stephen replied right away, making Hannah smile.

Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

Everything seemed different but at the same time it didn't seem to have changed. I went to the garden behind the castle where I had spent my free time with my sons. I continued thinking about him as I walked over to one of their favorite fountains. Princeton in particular spent hours there playing with the water, but it was now empty, the garden which was once alive with many colorful flowers and sounds of the fountain, now was silent and full of dead plants. I guess years don't just pass in vain and things you have should be appreciated the way they are I thought as I sat beside the fountain.

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