CHAPTER 21 : Afraid to Lose Once More

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

Frederick checked his watch, "That reminds me I had to ask Winston about something," Frederick said, grabbing a few journals from his desk and leaving the room. "Wait, can you help me interrogate Princeton," I said, reminding him he stopped checking his watch once more, "Sorry, mom, you can go ahead without me." He answered carrying on his way. "... Yeah, okay." I answer, watching him leave. "I'll join you, what are we interrogating him about?" Owen said, grabbing my hand. "While I was talking to Frederick and Princeton he mentioned an uncle Sul, and well the only uncle with Sul in the beginning that he has is Sullivan," I answered. "And you think he's met Sullivan in the past?" he asked. "I think so, that's why I want to ask him because now that has me worried." I responded. "Worried about what? Sullivan?" he asked. "Well, yeah. Especially after Milan's return not long ago, I just don't know how to react to his name," I answered, remembering the day in Terencio.

"Naeva, you do realize that Winston killed you and you still trust him? With Sullivan you always defended him in the past, and well honestly speaking I was kind of jealous because I would always see you with him before he'd disappear. I wasn't sure what kind of relationship you had with him. He seemed really aggressive, but that day in Terencio I could tell he really was trying to protect you from Milan. I don't think Sullivan ever had other intentions other than to protect you." he responded, trying to reassure me. "Wait, you were jealous of Sullivan?" I asked, a bit confused. "Well you were always alone... with him. Then Winston said Sullivan should have been your fiancé and it kinda made things worse" he said looking away. "Why didn't you tell me before? You always told me everything, what made this different then?" I asked. "I couldn't bring it up because I didn't want to doubt you," he answered, holding on to both my hands while looking down.

"You still did though and kept it to yourself, look Owen I know right now with what you know from my relationship with Winston I can't tell you that after you died I didn't start another relationship, but trust me while we were dating, and married I only looked at you. Which is why I'm worried for Sullivan to return because even if he wasn't intending to harm you or me I fear that I might be wrong again, that I will put my trust in the wrong person and that I will lose you once more." I answered ,putting one on my hands on his chest where he had been stabbed before. "I'm sorry I should have spoken to you about it. I can protect you know, I have trained with the squadron. I'm highly trained in combat. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you in any way," he said, hugging me tightly. "No, I don't need you to protect me, I don't want you to. Lucius is right, you should get more involved in Whirling designs; it is your company after all." I answered, stepping back.

He looked at me taken back "Naeva, why can't you depend on me a bit?" he asked. "I'm a Queen, I've master sword fighting and complicated spells, I lead a military made of criminals, I can calm beast with my presence, I don't need you to protect me what I need is for you to be happy by my side doing what you love and I know how passionate you are about your designs," I answered hoping he didn't took it wrong. "...So in other words you're firing me from the Squadron," he said, stepping closer. "Yes, sort of. I want to see you working on your desk late at night designing not sparring... sure your physic is not bad now... but what I mean is I miss you designing you always looked so into it and happy and while sparring and training you look exhausted and unhappy," I replied feeling my cheeks getting hot. "Oh, so when I thought you were asleep you were watching me?" He chuckled. "Yes~ you just looked so cute," I answered, feeling my heart beating faster each time. "What were you saying about my physique, more muscle now huh," he said putting my hand on his arm.

He burst out laughing while I'm burning red, "Quite teasing me!" I say covering my face. "But you're so cute, how can I not?" he answered, raising my chin up to his face. "Do I need to kick you again?" Diana said, looking up at us. I cleared my throat and stepped aside. "Hey, I thought we were on good terms now," Owen said, bending down. "We are, that's why I came to talk to Naeva, but that doesn't mean I approve of you with Naeva." Diana answered walking over to my side. "Oh what were you going to tell me," I asked. "Well, Stephen just told me that he is related to you're boring son, so now that makes him Stephen Campbell - Wallace and well I don't have even one last name so I came to ask you if I can use Wind-Wallace as my last name," she said handing me a sheet were she had written it down. "...Wind-Wallace?" I asked, looking at the paper and then to her. "Yes, you see Winston is Wind and he's like my dad, but then there's William where he's like the mom so I wanted both names that way Lucius is my brother too," Diana said smiling.

"Wait, why am I the mom? I want to be the dad," William said as Winston passed the corridor. "What are you guys talking about?" he asked. "Diana is adopting you and Owen as her parents," I answered, trying to hold my laughter since Diana seemed really serious. "Diana, care to explain?" Winston asked, confused as he looked towards her direction. "Well, I thought since it would be weird if you and Naeva adopted me as your child with her being chummy with William, I came to the conclusion that the William can be my mom instead since he's really kind, and you can be my dad because you have cared for me and it would be mean to disregard you like Princeton," Diana answered grabbing their hands. "I suppose that makes sense..." William answered, thinking about it still. "No it doesn't. Diana I'm not married to Owen, he's my brother well... adopted but no, the point is by you putting us as your parents people will assume things, okay" Winston said trying to keep his cool.

"Yeah, that you guys are my mom and dad," Diana said, shrugging her shoulders. "Wait, Diana I just want to ask why I got completely scratched from your family choices?" I asked, feeling a little left out. "You can be my mom too, but I want Winston and William's last names as mine," she said, smiling sweetly. "That sounds fair," I answered. "Naeva, no, I don't approve of it." Winston said, trying not to look at Diana's disappointed face. "Oh, I don't see a problem there hubby." Owen teased. "Owen stop that." Winston said, stepping away while Owen got closer. "Oh come on you're the one that was always in my office in the past giving me restless nights with endless questions," William said. "Naeva please stop him," Winston said, being pinned by Owen on the wall. "Naeva you have really weird taste in men," Diana said looking up at me while I laughed on the side. "Owen I swear if you don't step back I'll be the one to stab you this time," Winston said glaring at him. "Just approve of her idea or do you want her thinking that she doesn't belong here again," Owen whispered before stepping back. "Fine, I approve." Winston said, fixing his composure. Diana smiled widely and hugged him tightly and then to Owen before heading on her way similar to Stephen.

"See it's not so difficult is it," William said. "She doesn't need a last name though, what is she going to use it for anyway?" Winston asked. "School, I was just thinking that they should attend school, from what I'm aware of the children in the forest don't attend schools and well I think I can work with the nearby towns to get the children enrolled in those schools, including Diana, Stephen and Mari of course." I said they both looked at me with a blank face. "Well I'm sure the town representatives won't be against the idea but the people are still fearful of the people in the forest. I don't think they'll be happy to let their children study with them." Winston said. "Yeah, I know people are fearful of change but I still think it would be a good idea." I continued. "You mentioned Diana in that group didn't you? Do you forget she's a dragon out of the Scales kingdom? Your magic is what's helping her keep her appearance as a human but what happens when that fades in this school one thing is Stephen and Mari but Diana, is far too risky." Winston added, concerned.

"I understand your worry but don't worry, the magic won't fade, plus this is a good way for her to make friends, right Owen?" I answered. "Yup, she needs friends, aside from getting an education of course." Owen responded. "We can get them private tutors like the boys had, let the children in the forest attend public school but those three will get private tutors." Winston said, still rejecting the idea. "Let them be normal kids, Winston." I answered. "But they're not. One is OUR granddaughter, another is your great great grandson and the other a dragon," Winston continued. "They'll be fine." I said though Winston's expression didn't seem to change. "Let's call a family conference with Princeton and Frederick and ask them." Owen suggested. "Okay," I responded, nodding as Winston shook, taking a deep breath.

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