CHAPTER 5: Ceremony

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

I was still asleep when I heard a faint voice beside me "Get up...move it" Winston's voice sounded. "Okay, Okay, I'm going gosh" William's voice this time. I then opened one eye to see what was going on in front of me was Winston laying down next to me. I then placed a pillow in my face. " What's wrong? Expecting William huh'' he said. "No, leave me alone" I told him and turned the other way. "What you think you're doing...wake up" He said "No, I don't want to. Go away" I told him. I suddenly felt something pull me off my bed by my leg, I grabbed onto the bed to keep from getting pulled off "NO! NO! NO! LET ME GO!" I screamed but he continued on pulling and took me to a different room while dragging me. I recognized this room, it was where I used to keep all my clothes and accessories ''What are we doing here?" I asked, still half asleep "You need to get ready" he answered. "No I don't! Now take me back to my room this a command" I commanded sitting up, "No you need to get ready for the ceremony, for those who have entered the team and are going to the final examination. " he said "NOO!" I responded once again. There was a hair stylist ready to do my hair.

Before I knew it, Winston had splashed some water on me "Hey!" I said. "You awake now" He asked as the woman began to work on my hair. I just sat there until she finished. I got up and ran towards Winston. "oh~ oh~" he said and began to run away from me "Yeah that's right you better run!" I said and ran after him. "Whoa what are you two fighting about" Nathaniel asked as Winston hid behind him. I didn't answer, just looked at him and then back to Winston and returned to my room. "Are you alright?" William asked as he entered my room. "Yeah, I'm fine," I answered.

"See you in the ceremony," he said. "Of course" I answered he then left to where the ceremony was going to take place. "Are you ready?" I heard a voice behind me to find Nicole had finally returned. "What?... ready for what?" I asked. "You must do a speech before they leave if you can't think of anything to say. I'll just give the cue to leave... I used to do them but since you're back it's your duty" She said. "Oh, right, thanks" I said and followed her to one of the balconies in the castle. In the bottom there were a lot of people. Once they noticed me everyone grew silent for a bit then I heard some gasp and talked with one another. "Excuse me but may I get your attention," I said, and it immediately became silent.

"Yes, I know this may be shocking to all of you but I, Naeva Night have returned... now to speak of why we are really here. To congratulate and wish the best of luck to these individuals who are one step closer in joining our team" I said then looked toward Nicole. So that she could give the signal, When she blew the whistle and they all rushed to say goodbye to their family and friends. I knew I wasn't going to be able to say bye to William without being asked weird questions, so luckily I knew the changeling spell which could help me change form. Once I did the spell I rushed down to where he was standing. "Uh... do I know you?" he asked when I hugged him. I had forgotten the spell. "It's me, Naeva" I whispered as I continued hugging him. "oh...oh~" he said and hugged back tightly "I'm going to miss you, it's sure going to be quieter here without you" I said. "I'm going to miss you too, but don't worry I'll be back soon... Naeva, There's something I need to tell you." he said. "What is it?" I asked before Nicole blew the whistle and they had to go back in formation.

He didn't have a chance to tell me anything and I couldn't stay so I returned back to the castle and changed back. When I looked up I saw Stephen with his eyes wide open. "You're a changeling?" he asked as he stared at me confused. "What no, of course not... I just happened to know the spell" I responded and smiled at him as he continued to stare at me. "Hey, Stephen you coming?" Nathaniel said as he poked his head through the door. "Coming" he said and left with him and closed the door. I took a deep breath and began walking towards my room. There I found the small dragon sitting there looking at me a bit shyly.

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