CHAPTER 26: School

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Location: Libero, Night Kingdom

Ruben: 20 Eleanor: 10 Oliver: 10 Skylar:1

It was the end of the first quarter so Oliver would be receiving his report card. He was confident his grades would be decent enough to begin his training with Princeton. He waited patiently as the teacher's called the students up to get their report card and dismiss them. "Oliver Wright," The teacher said as he grabbed his backpack and made his way over to get the paper as he looked at it. "...This is wrong right?" He asked, seeing one too many C'S according to Sophia's standard. "No, that's right. You're lucky you came back to review the test last week. I was able to give five more point's or you could have ended up with a D on math" The teacher said as Oliver chuckled a bit. "Can I do extra credit right now and boost it up a bit more?" He asked as the teacher shook their head. "Sorry but no '' They answered as Oliver shoved the paper in his backpack.

Nicole came by the school with Skylar in the stroller. "Report card day right?" She asked as soon as she saw him. "Not today," He said looking down as he walked ahead. "Really? Weren't you excited about it yesterday?" She asked pushing the stroller to catch up to him. "Wrong day," He said as Nicole glanced over at the other kids giving their report card to their parents. "It wasn't good wasn't it?" She asked as he crossed his arms. "It's not fair it was only one letter grade lower and I did my best but I know Sophia won't care" He said as Nicole patted his hair. "I don't know about that. Naeva can be a bit relaxed on a few things, so is Princeton" She said as he looked down. "Then can you talk to them with me? I'm sure they wouldn't say no if you brought Skylar as a little distraction" Oliver said, smiling widely.

"...I guess I should go to the forest and see when I can return to work," She said, glancing down at Skylar.

Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

Almost as soon as they got to the forest Oliver ran up to the office. "You're not gonna yell at him to walk?" Owen asked, seeing Nicole fixing Skylar's bow. "Nah, He can learn not to when he falls" She said shrugging. "...Mother of the year," He said, chuckling. "I'm only mother to Skylar, but honestly I'd still say the same to her. Lessons are better learned with experience" Nicole answered. "Of course," he said, looking over at Skylar making bubbles. "What are you looking at?" She asked, seeing him make faces. "I'm trying to figure out if she's ugly because of you or Ruben" He answered as she hit him. "Shut the fuck up" She said as he laughed. "Hey hey, watch your manners I'm king and your commander missy" He said as she rolled her eyes. "King my ass, you're still my annoying little brother" she said, pulling his ear. "Ow! Okay okay I get it"

"Sophia! Hey, so I was hoping you and I can chat a little" Oliver said, taking my hand as he ran up. "...About? How are you running in my halls and no one is yet to yell at you?" I asked, looking around. "I don't know, but hey I was thinking like if I were to have done almost all good in my class would you dismiss a small detail?" He asked as I looked down at him. "Where are you going with this?" I asked. "... here" He said, taking out his report card to show me his grades. "Oh wow, you have improved. I guess now you're motivated aren't you?" I said smiling. "Yes, I have improved a lot so can I still do my training?" He asked, looking up at me with puppy eyes. "...uh, well I mean I guess you should ask Princeton." I answered looking away.

"But you approve?" He asked, still holding my hand tightly. There it was, just like Oswald. His expression the way he was insistent on what he wanted. "Yes~" I answered, giving in. "Thank you!" He said, hugging me tightly while I thought of how I would go and talk to Ruben about it.

Oliver on the other hand ran off to go find Princeton. He stopped for a moment and looked at his hands wondering if his teleportation would be good enough to get to anywhere in the castle where Princeton was. He took a deep breath and began the spell, he closed his eyes slowly opening them to see if he had even shifted location. Sure enough he was out by the garden's fountain where Princeton stared at him wide-eyed. "...Wow, how? Wait, how old are you?" Princeton asked since spell's really had been a thing for him until he was sixteen. "I'm ten... ah Sophia said I can continue training with you" He said, handing him his report card.

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