CHAPTER 7: Returning

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When I woke I heard an argument downstairs, It was Princeton and Winston again. "Diana, stay away from him he's dangerous" Winston said as he moved her chair further from Princeton's and closer to his. " Diana... That's your name? It's quite lovely" he said as he looked at her with a gentle look then at Winston. "Thank you!" She said before she was pulled away by Winston, " Don't listen to him" Winston said with almost a snarl. "But..." Diana said but couldn't finish her sentence. " Why don't you let her choose where she wants to sit?" Princeton says with a smirk.

" Stop arguing in front of her," I say, trying to stop them. "Yes, mother" Princeton said, Winston remained silent. Then entered Nathaniel and Stephen. "And who are you?" Princeton asked as he saw Stephen who was hiding behind Nathaniel. "He's my brother Stephen" Diana answers then lowers her head once Winston glances at her. Breakfast was quite in the beginning till Nathaniel started talking with Princeton and I joined in, Winston remained silent. Even Diana and Stephen made small talk from time to time.

After breakfast, Nathaniel left for the city, Stephen stayed to play with Diana. I was upstairs with Winston cleaning some of the books in the library when I looked out the window and saw Princeton and Diana playing with Ice figures made from the fountain's waters. Stephen watched as they played, he didn't seem interested in joining rather worried about Diana playing with Princeton. Winston realized what I was looking at and grew worried. "I told her to stay away from him," He said. " Oh come on there just playing she'll be fine" I said before he tried to interrupt them "Fine, but if I see any kind of danger I'll personally go and send him back to prison." He says firmly. "I won't let you," I said with a teasing smile. He just looked at me and continued cleaning. I found a particular book that grabbed my attention, A book about dragon species.

As I flipped through the pages I found an image of a dragon that resembles Diana. It read 'Cotton Candy Dragons' The species was marked under endangered species, Seeing it was an old book I was surprised that we had found Diana. "I guess we have an even bigger reason now to keep her human visual." I said to Winston as he took a look at the book. "Do you think that's why unit seven had her?" Winston asked. " Perhaps, we should have done some research the moment we found her." I said and closed the book. "Go call them in. I don't think it's safe to let her play outside till we figure this out." I tell him as I look out the window. " Yeah, sure... and where are you going?" he asked as I made my way to the door. "I'm heading to my office for the rest of the day to do some research." I say as I leave the room.

As I entered the room I looked up to see a portrait of Owen, I had married him before he was killed. I sigh and walk towards my desk, I never thought I'd returned especially to this situation with Diana. Once I finished reading the only information on Cotton Candy Dragons I looked towards one of the drawers of my desk "I wonder if it's still here" I say to myself remembering that Owen had given me a necklace with our names engraved. As I shift through my drawer in search of the box when I hear the window open. I try to stay calm but the years of inexperience cause me to lose my cool and I quickly grab a pile of books on the desk and hit them.

"Ouch... Naeva" The voices call out, I stop and get a better look at the person. "...William? Thought you left for the training grounds" I asked confused. "Yeah, but knowing your nightmare situation, I couldn't sleep well" he answered, chuckling a bit. " You could have gone through the entrance, you know," I said smiling. " That's true but I actually don't want Winston to know I'm here," he said in a low voice. " Why? Are you afraid of being scolded?" I say sarcastically. " No... I actually have something really important to tell you, but you're always with him lately" he says looking at the door and then back to me. " mmm... Alright then what's so important that you don't want to be interrupted by Mr. Smartass" I answered him. William takes a deep breath and looks at the portrait of Owen and begins walking towards it.

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