CHAPTER 23: Charice Journal

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I had been able to get in contact with Percy again and he had come to visit bringing along a few more of Cornelius's journals. "So~ Percy, what kind of things have been said about me in your family in general?" I asked, seeing the boxes of journals with some of them being Rosalie's. "I rather not, the journals are quite detailed if you really want to know." He answered calmly, keeping his composure but still a bit uneasy. "...It's quite alright I can already guess." I answered as Owen came to join "Now can I get to read them?" he asked, pulling the box close to him. "Go, ahead I mean how detailed could he actually have gone right?" I answered hoping it really wasn't much. I mean he wasn't living in the castle for long enough to have written this much solely on me. He opened the first journal and began reading. I had not read the first journal I had read like one of the later ones but Owen's face seemed to be a bit filled with guilt. "What's the matter?" I asked. "I never thought to ask him if he liked you, I'm a horrible friend and can't even apologize for it." he said.

"Cornelius didn't like that manner." I said taking the journal that was dated to when I still lived in Tiria and he spoke about his feelings for me. "Oh, shit? I'm just realizing I didn't really know him." I said flipping further in the book. "You didn't know?" Winston said walking past. "No, wait, are you saying you did?" I asked, turning around. "It was quite obvious, you might not remember but that time he punched me was because he was jealous you became quite affectionate with me and not him," Winston said. "He was married," I answered. "Clearly didn't stop him when Ingrid did it." he responded as Owen read another. "He was such a good friend to me, how could I. I feel like I have betrayed him," William said, grabbing another instead. "Okay, I don't think you should read more," I said, pulling them away. "This one is dated to after I died so I can't feel bad for neglecting him." he said pointing to the date. "Owen I wouldn't read those," Winston said thinking back to that year.

"Why? Isn't this the year Lucius was born?" he asked, glancing up for a moment. "Yes, it is now. If you want to be a good friend to me, put it down." Winston said. "Ah, so this is when you two were... You're right I don't need to read this anyway." He answered, getting a bit irritated. "So Percy, how's the clinic been going?" I asked, trying to change the atmosphere a bit. "Quite well, Since Prince Frederick and Lucius tended to pass by, our patients hold us as a highly valuable clinic apart from years of our family practice, We've actually opened some hospitals throughout the Lavine Kingdom," He responded. "Wow, then your family really has done well. Apart from these quite scandalous journal's Cornelius and Rosalie really helped me form my team and well since I can't really invite them over I'd like to extend the invitation to any future events to the Charice line, VIP guests to anything Night Kingdom related," I said standing up. "Are you sure," Percy asked, taking a confused look towards the boxes of books. "Yes, of course. It's the least I could do for all the trouble I have caused in the past." I answered smiling. "Then I thank you, your majesty." he responded bowing.

"Naeva, is fine. I hope I can at least reconcile my friendship with Charice now," I answered. "I was never a friend of Cornelius but you seem decent, Mr. Charice." Winston added. "Likewise, to what my wife said, not Winston." Owen said, walking over to put his arm around Percy. "Uh, I don't want to seem rude but it's kind of strange for you all to be so young especially since I grew up with your stories..." Percy said, looking at us. "Yeah, I know. Say how old are you?" I asked since he did seem older. "Thirty-eight, I actually have a one year old son," he responded. "Really, you should have brought him over. What's his name?" I asked. "Edmund, I couldn't bring him. He's not used to long trips yet and gets car sick easily." he responded. "Oh, then when he gets older or used to it then." I answered. "Of course." He responded. Percy had to leave since Tiria was quite a long way away from the forest but now I was left with all these journals. "I'll go store those," Winston said, trying to grab the boxes, "Haha, it's difficult without magic huh?" Owen said, watching him struggle. "How can he possibly have written this much," Winston said, trying to keep his grasp on them. "You need help?" Princeton asked, walking over. "Please, seeing how neither Owen or your mother will," Winston said.

"Who told you to take that many at a time, overachiever?" I said taking a box he had. "I don't know where you're taking them so~" Owen answered, shrugging his shoulders. "We can always have a bonfire. I did that with dad's journals once, it was great... hehe, sorry dad." Princeton said, looking away. "So that's why Frederick was asking if I could rewrite the potion and herbal journals. Good to know what happened to them." Winston said, taking a deep breath. "We are not burning these, their records... not very good ones but still." I said seeing Winston actually considering it. "You guys get along now?" Owen asked, also taking a box. "YES, that's what I was going to tell you. I didn't kill you it was fucking Milan," Winston said. "Mind clarifying?" I asked, not entirely understanding. "I can, so Ric actually told us about how it wasn't actually father's magic that caused the ballrooms to collapse. That time it was turquoise magic and father believes this person to be his brother Milan." Princeton said. "Motherfucker" Owen whispered under his breath, making Princeton raise his eyebrow.

"Mother did you know he cusses? Cause I sure didn't" Princeton said, glancing over at William. "Yes, I'm very aware. Now about you two getting along again we should celebrate." I said as we walked to the archives. "Stop wanting to celebrate everything you have plenty of work to get done." Winston said, walking ahead of us. "Shouldn't you be worried about this said uncle of mine?" Princeton asked. "No, not really." I answered. "Why? From what Uncle Sullivan has said as well as you guys he's not good news," Princeton said. "He's already dead," Owen said. "How can you guys be sure?" Princeton asked, looking at us until kind of getting the idea of why we seemed so carefree. "Ohoho, you guys did not, OH MY GOSH you guys totally did... Why wouldn't you guys invite me? This is like my specialty, you know, mercilessly getting rid of people." Princeton said with a wide smile. "That's exactly why, sweetie, you're not entirely sane, okay. Rather I'd like you to not leave the forest on your own despite things getting fixed with the Lavine unless necessary or asking me first." I glanced over at him.

"But, I'm older than you." Princeton said, burrowing his brow. "Yet, I'm your mother and I'm worried for your sanity alright." I said. "Why? I have some restraint now... took a long time to master but I can go into towns and not cause panic," Princeton said trying to convince me. "Sorry sweetie but no." I answered. After we put away all the journals we went back to the main living room area. "So~ Owen, when will you be marrying my mother? You know I always wanted a younger sibling so she can focus on more, you know." Princeton said, putting his arm around Owen. Who looked over at me flustered "Um whenever your mother wants to marry me, but um Princeton your mom and I are actually trying to wait longer for marriage this time especially with our schedules and I am helping Lucius with the company again and your mom with the kingdom..." Owen said.

"You have plenty of siblings already," Winston said, taking a seat on the couch. "But they're older than me, I want a younger sibling." Princeton said as Lucius and Frederick walked in the room. "Psy, even if you got a younger sibling you're most likely to still act like the younger one and get them to behave like the oldest" Frederick said, taking his arm off of Owen. "But mother needs a distraction from me... I mean she's young and her marriage with Owen should start a new you know with kids I mean not that marriage is necessary, right mom?" Princeton said, glancing over at me. "It's not, and technically Owen and I have already been married," I answered though I wasn't sure if that could still qualify. "Why don't you guys just remarry? I'm sure I can make a dress with Ric for your wedding" Lucius answered with his face lit up. "Nathaniel is getting married, go help him with his wedding, Owen and I are good for now, right?" I said looking over at him. "I said I'd marry you any time and place didn't I?" He responded smiling.

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