CHAPTER 10: Together

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

The next day Marina was nowhere to be found, though Mari was still there. She seemed to have left early in the morning. "I told you your mom is evil" Diana said to Mari, Mari frowned "She's not evil!" Mari said, defending her mom. " If she wasn't evil why would she abandon you?" Diana told her. " She didn't abandon me!" Mari said, grabbing onto her teddy bear. " Diana, be nice," Winston said. "I am being nice by telling her the truth!" Diana responded. " You're not nice, you're mean" Mari responded, stepping back. "What did you say!" Diana said, grabbing on to Mari's hair. " Diana, let go," Winston said, trying to grab onto Diana. Princeton rushed over after hearing Mari's cries. " Diana, that's not okay," he said, trying to open Diana's hand to remove Mari's hair.

"No, she's the mean one, just because she has parents she thinks she can be mean to me" Diana said, still grabbing on and trying to escape Winston's arms. I walked down after hearing the noise. "Diana, let go and come here" I said she looked up and released Mari's hair. She still seemed angry but walked up to me after being released by Winston. Mari was still crying as she was cuddled by Princeton. "Mari, you too, come here" I said, She looked at me and wiped her tears. Slowly walking up I led them to my office. "Girls sit down, tell me why are you two fighting?" I asked, sitting between them. " Diana said my mom was evil," Mari said, looking down as Diana glared at her. " I said that because Mari said I didn't have a family," Diana answered.

" Neither of the things you girls said is nice, you know everyone living here is a family, We don't have to be blood related to be a family you know, so you two have to be nice to each other and take care of one another" I told them, Diana's eyes started to water, and turned the other way. Winston walked in " Diana, come here" He said standing at the door, Diana looked up and walked out. Winston hugged her and fixed her hair " You have to behave yourself, especially in front of Naeva you hear you mustn't bring trouble to her so go apologize" Winston said Diana wiped her tears and walked over and gave a small bow "I'm sorry Naeva" She said and walked out soon after.

"You don't have to be so strict with her," I told Winston. "She has to learn to be respectful and mindful of others, you shouldn't have to worry about dealing with the kids problem" He said looking at Mari still sitting on the chair. Princeton walked in "Winston is right, you have other things you have to resolve, Mari is my daughter I should be the one to deal with her if she does something bad" Princeton said, and Mari got up and walked towards her dad. " Winston? I'm your father not Winston to you" Winston said looking over at Princeton. " You lost that title a long time ago, Winston," Princeton responded, as he picked up Mari and walked away.

" That's the kid you should be lecturing," He said, walking over to me. " I thought you said he was already an adult and to just leave him" I responded, standing up. " Didn't you hear him?" Winston said, " Yeah, I did but he really isn't wrong, is he?" I responded, " I suppose, but he can at least be respectful" he responded. " You have to earn that, you guys got along before I'm sure you guys can fix this, if you both put effort in" I answered him walking towards my chair. " I'll go talk to Diana" He said, seeing me flip through some paperwork from the training that Nicole had brought back. "Okay, just don't be too harsh on her" I said looking up knowing Winston can be quite harsh, "I understand" He said as he walked away.

Owen came by shortly after "Can I come in?" He said, poking his head in the room with a smile. I smiled back " Sure, What's up" I answered him, moving the paperwork to the side. " Just thought I would come by and bother you a bit," He said, taking a seat on one of the chairs. "You didn't use the window this time" I answered, teasing. " Don't tell me you're disappointed, I'll leave and come back through there how about it" He said getting up. " What no, don't I was joking" I answered. He flashed a smile " I know that" He answered leaning on the table towards me. I looked up at him smiling " How was training by the way" I asked, ruffling his hair, " boring, without my wife" he answered, taking my hand gently.

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