CHAPTER 18: Joining in?

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For obvious reasons we couldn't all go to celebrate with the team so Princeton invited us to go to his Manor in the outskirts of Canterlot. The building was quite modern unlike the Castle, and seemed to have a lot of musical items around. Alvin and Paisley greeted us at the door and well very similar to before everyone grouped up. Now including Mila and Hannah in the group they seemed to be a bit out of place. Ruben seemed to be growing accustomed to the others personalities. Ruben, Nathaniel, Frederick and Stephen sat to discuss some literature and Hannah accompanied Nathaniel on the side every once in a while joining in the conversation. Brenda and Lea left quite early because of their work schedules. Orisius left almost half way because of some photoshoot that was coming up. Mari and Oliver went over to talk to Paisley for a while and though Diana would've usually joined she was nowhere to be found.

"Let's talk to Winston," Hannah said, watching Winston talk to Mila. "Okay, but don't keep your hopes up" Nathaniel said walking over to his brother. "Winston, Hannah and I would like to speak to you regarding Diana." Nathaniel said, taking a deep breath. "Did she do something?... where is she?" he asked looking around the room. "No, she was with Oliver just a bit ago but Hannah and I, well we really enjoyed her company and we were hoping you would approve of us adopting her." Nathaniel said as Winston cleared his throat. "You want to adopt her? I'm sorry Nathaniel but I can't allow you to remove her from the castle and away Naeva's care." Winston said as he glanced over at Hannah. "Well we would care for her as our daughter..." Hannah said, stepping forward.

"No, look Hannah I understand you've been regarded as mature and are a nurse with a good economic standing but you are still seventeen, what are you going to do with an eight year old? Especially with one like Diana?" Winston asked. "Winston, you know well Diana needs a family unit, just think how it could benefit her" Nathaniel continued trying to convince him. "Your priority is Stephen adopt him if you want a kid but Diana doesn't leave the forest." he continued. "We want to adopt both but Stephen won't leave without Diana and we've also grown quite fond of her," Nathaniel continued. "Sorry, but the answer is still no. She'll be exposed to many dangers in Terrana so stop asking, I'm not changing my mind." He said. "You don't know what you're doing to that poor child," Nathaniel said looking down.

"If that's all she was you could take her no problem but you know she isn't. Also I heard those words plenty with Naeva. Do you think it stopped me or changed my mind?" He answered. Nathaniel shook his head and walked away just as Nicole passed them still trying to get Mila to leave.

"Hey, Owen, have you seen Diana?" I asked, looking at the groups everyone had made and not seeing her anywhere. "No, I haven't. Is she not with Winston?" he asked, looking towards Winston's direction where he was talking to Mila and Nicole. "She's not there either," he said, turning towards me. "This is bad..." I said, trying to look around some more. "A tracking spell perhaps?" William asked before directing my attention to the ceiling where Diana seemed to be bringing a bucket with water over Mila's head. "Shit!" I said teleporting over to her. "What are you doing?" I said, taking the bucket away from her with a little too force and dripping half the contents over Mila and Winston. Winston looked up angrily "I know this looks bad but it wasn't intentional," I said flying down. "Naeva do you really think you're in a position to play these immature pranks." he said glaring at me.

"I wasn't playing a prank, Mila I'm so sorry," I said, setting the bucket down while Nicole laughed. "I'm sorry but this is funny," Nicole said. "It's alright, I was thinking I needed to leave soon anyway," Mila said, glancing up to see Diana. "I can use a spell to dry your clothes, or I'm sure Princeton has some clothes that might fit you if you don't like magic," I suggested. "No, it's alright," she said, waving at Winston before leaving. "Are you fucking serious Naeva?" he asked as soon as she left. "I told you it was an accident." I answered. "Accident and tell me what exactly you were doing with a bucket full of water?" he asked. "Hey! She really didn't mean it, she was taking away the bucket from Diana," William said pointing up to Diana. "Diana came down now," Winston said with his arms crossed. Diana flew down "Explain now." he said the moment she landed.

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