
    No matter how they struggled and shouted, they were dragged deeper into the cell after all. The King Duan pointed his finger at a large cell containing more than a dozen prisoners, and the guards holding them rudely threw them in. .

    "What on earth do you want to do?" The

    two finally stabilized their figures, holding each other on guard and looking at King Duan outside the cell.

    "The two princes with delicate skin and tender meat will bother you to entertain you." The

    King Duan ignored him, instead focusing his attention on the dozen or so ragged prisoners in the cell. Hearing what he said, the prisoners were all They looked at the two with a lustful face. If they still don’t understand his intentions, then they have lived for so many years. Shen Xiao rushed over and grabbed the iron railing with a dark face and excitement: "Do you dare?! Me!" It’s the Tanglin waiter, and also a distinguished son. Even if you break the law, you can’t do this to me."

    "Duanjun Wang, please forgive me, forgive me..."

    He actually wanted the prisoners to insult them, and Shenyang scared him. My legs are soft, and I never dreamed that the other party would be so cruel.

    "This county just changed a cell for you, but didn't do other unnecessary things, and the two sons of Shen can enjoy it."

    No matter how they clamor or fear, King Duan will not be moved. The people behind them left, Shen Xiao and Shenyang frantically banging on the iron railings of the cell: "You can't do this, King Duan, let me go out..."

    "No, don't come here..."


    When they yelled, the prisoners had already swarmed at them. The two of them were not only delicate skin and tender flesh, but also extremely handsome, they didn't know about this. For many years in the cell, the serious prisoner who has long known the smell of meat is undoubtedly a beautiful beauty. A dozen people quickly split into two groups and threw each other down.

    Shen Liang was right in saying that in the royal family, none of them are good stubbles. As the eldest son of Princess Yuehua, Prince Duan is no exception.

    The lobby of the front yard of Tanglin Hall.

    Shen Ruiting and the others who have left the prison of the Ministry of Justice must have no idea. Their sons and nephews were arrested, and Shen Ruiting never returned to the Yamen, but when he returned to the Hou Mansion, he heard quarrels and quarrels from a distance. The sound of crying, looking up, headed by the old lady, with two bedrooms and three bedrooms, including Liu Shuhan and Shen Qiang who have been confined, and even the Shen Liang who has not been discharged from the yard very much gathered in the main courtyard hall, quarreling and crying They sent it out.

    "What's the noise? It's not messy enough, isn't it?"

    Shen Ruiting couldn't help but spit out a suffocating breath and walked in with a tired rubbing his eyebrows.



    "Hou Ye!"

    Seeing him, a group of people who were arguing immediately rushed up with excitement. The old lady grabbed Shen Ruiting's hand and looked behind him first to make sure there was no Shen Xiao and Shenyang. The figure immediately scowled and said angrily: "What's the matter? Why didn't you bring Yang'er back?" When

    people are anxious, they will subconsciously reveal their true self. The old lady cares only about Shenyang, and has no energy to bother. Shen Xiao's life and death.

    "Mother, let me help you go and sit down first."

    Shen Ruiting frowned unchecked, did not say anything, still filial piety, but the old lady did not appreciate it, and stared at him stubbornly at the same place: "Tell me first, why didn't you bring Yang'er back? Is it because you don’t want to save people and didn’t go to the Ministry of

    Justice to ask someone ?” In their minds, as long as Shen Ruiting is willing to come forward, Shen Xiao and Shenyang will be able to come back immediately no matter how serious they have committed. Dedicated.

    "Mother, this is a long story, so let the second and third brothers tell you."

    Upon seeing this, Shen Ruiting's attitude was also a little weak. It was not only Shenyang who was arrested, but also his son. There is no dispute, and there is no way to ignore it. The old lady's question is undoubtedly a bit heartbreaking. Moreover, he talks about Shenyang and never mentions Shen Xiao. This also makes Shen Ruiting more dissatisfied.

    "Okay, what's the matter?" The

    old lady seemed to have realized something, but she was unwilling to bow her head because of her neck. Instead, she turned her gaze to the two brothers Shen Ruiqing. For this reason, the rest of the people also turned their attention. There was a mess in Shen Ruiqing's mind, and she was not in the mood to talk to them slowly, but Shen Ruijiang briefly and clearly said everything, including the emperor's oral statement.

    "How is it possible?

    Xiao'er ..." Liu Shuhan staggered back and almost fell to the ground with his ass. The other person who reacted similarly to him was Zhao Lan. At that time, Shen Xiao and Shenyang gave Wen Yuan the money they gave to bribe Wen Yuan. .

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