Sexy Summer Spirit Part 14

Start from the beginning


The Dancing in the Streets was obviously not going to wind down any time soon but, by tacit agreement, the couple began to walk hand-in-hand back towards their home, leaving the music and noise behind and the crowds to follow where the night led them

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The Dancing in the Streets was obviously not going to wind down any time soon but, by tacit agreement, the couple began to walk hand-in-hand back towards their home, leaving the music and noise behind and the crowds to follow where the night led them.  For the lovers - after weeks apart with only phone calls and texts to share - and after such a wonderful night full of that sexy summer spirit that Seon-jae had conjured - there was only 1 place the night was going to lead them and now they were eager to be there.  Hye-won felt the zing of expectation as she walked alongside her love, both relishing the stroll but also knowing that the public part of the night was well and truly over for them now.  Still though, the balmy air and festive mood of the night made the homeward stroll as pleasant as the outward one and by the time they entered their home, they both felt mellow and relaxed.  

All was quiet, Ciara having left the hall-light on for them before going to bed herself.  A bottle of Irish liqueur and 2 balloon glasses sat on the counter in the kitchen, with a scribbled note 

 - Thought you might feel like celebrating the summer mood and reminiscing about your Irish wedding but don't wake the neighbours - 

They both grinned at Ciara's brattish note, though they wouldn't have expected any less of her now, after all these years of knowing her.  Seon-jae poured 2 measures of the smooth, creamy liquid and Hye-won added an ice-cube to both.  She was about to sit on the high stool at the counter and take a sip when Seon-jae slipped his hand tantalisingly down her inner arm, around the inside of her wrist and down into her open hand, into which he inter-laced his fingers.  She looked with surprise into his eyes and it was the Devil himself who pierced her with a look.

'I told you that you burn me, my love.  Now bring your drink and come let me return the favour,' and she walked readily with him, as he led the way to their bed-room, both as full of expectation and longing, as they had been on their first night.


Seon-jae put his hand on the door handle and turned his head to his love, a small smile coming to his lips - you are my one - you are my everything - and Hye-won felt the excitement and happiness of the night coalesce to this moment of shared tend...

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Seon-jae put his hand on the door handle and turned his head to his love, a small smile coming to his lips - you are my one - you are my everything - and Hye-won felt the excitement and happiness of the night coalesce to this moment of shared tenderness, in a semi-darkened hall, with the possibilities of the night stretching before them.  Her answering smile propelled Seon-jae to push open the door and lead them both inside, before closing it behind his girl.   

He took her glass and placed both on the chest of drawers, then drew her into his strong arms, lowering his head to rest alongside hers.  She knew that his thoughts were back in that sexy moment in the water earlier, when his desire had ached within him but had to be held back.  Now, she knew that he was allowing it to flow through him, just as she was.  

'What a fun night but God, I'm so glad to be home so that I can do this.'

He turned his head and kissed her hair, 'and this,' her temple, 'and this,' her brow, 'and this,' and with a last, ravishing look that set his love's insides on fire, he kissed her lips, long and deep, opening her mouth to his, touching her tongue with his, sharing breaths, hot and heavy.  She felt the passion fire in her, as the kiss blew away every moment before and every thought of any moment after - it was just heat and sensation and aching need.  Their moans were pulled from them and the panting sounds were so erotic, they both thrilled to hear them.  When they pulled back slightly, their smiles re-appeared, lit now with this rising fire, showing open mouths and peeping tongues.

'Oh, hold on.'

Seon-jae reached and lifted both glasses and they clinked and took 1 sip, then another.  He took her hand again and walked her to the bed and a third sip was enjoyed, before both glasses were deposited on the locker.  Seon-jae leaned and possessed Hye-won's lips again and the sticky sweetness gave a heady power to this sucking kiss.  He broke the kiss and sat on the edge of the bed but when she moved to join him, he shook his head.



'No, please, just for a moment, let me look at you.'

She had known this feeling before - when Seon-jae eeked out the pleasures of looking, the better to enjoy the pleasures of touching - and it never failed to build her own need.  She paused where she stood.  His eyes on her felt like touches, as she saw how he devoured the sight of her so greedily, his white teeth catching his lower lip in a hard grip of anticipation.

'I still can't really believe you, my darling. the museum...your speech, your confidence, the elegant, white suit...and the water, on the street...your dancing, your smiles, the sexy, red are every woman to me, my love.'

She couldn't withstand his looks or words any more.  She broke her pose and walked to join him, edging between his open thighs, with a sexy shimmy that drew an enormous smile from her lover.

'I know, I know, you want to look at me but sweetheart, the other night...,'

'On the phone?'

'Yes, it was...,'


She giggled at his confidence.  He's such a brat.

'Yes, you brat, it was super hot but...,'

'Now we are here together and you want me to stop looking and start touching?'

Her wild girl thrilled to hear him but also rebelled.


He was completely unperturbed.  He knew how she loved to play him.  He loved it too and played along.

'No?  What else do you want me to do...should I go to the other room and ring you again?'

His smile showed his confidence that he could drive her crazy - no matter what restrictions she imposed upon him - and that only drove her wild girl wilder.

'Don't you dare leave this room.'

She pushed his shoulders and toppled him onto his back, none too gently.

'I will touch you,' and his self-satisfied chuckle brought her smiles but the look she gave him spoke volumes - you will pay for that laugh, my one - and his answering look told her - I can't wait, my only.

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