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Britts pov

It was warm, not unbearably hot, but nice enough to ensure that the guests would be comfortable. From what I had seen of outside as we took the wedding day pictures with the bridesmaids the entire venue was decked out in sunflowers and lilac colored roses, filling a mile radius with the scent of sweetness.

It was truly perfect. Everything I had hoped for, all clicking into place like the last piece of the puzzle that was my life.

The morning had been a blur as we moved from hair to makeup,to getting dressed and pictures, before my dad finally made his way to the room to collect me for the famous ritualistic walk down the aisle.

I glanced up at his glassy eyes and really took in the man that had been there, my biggest supporter since birth. If it wasn't for my parents and their relationship with Riley's, who knew if we would even be doing this today.

"Do you really think I can do this dad? I mean get married and be as happy as you and mom?" I asked as we slowly made out way down the stairs to the doorway that would soon open to the outside venue.

"Sweetie, you can do anything you set your mind too. You know, sometimes when I look at you and Riley I see a little of your mother and I."


"Yep. A lot of couples wouldn't make it through the kind of things you've both gotten through and I think that stands for something. Still, if you ever decide he's not worth it, you'll always be my baby girl and we will always have room for you and the kiddos."

"Thanks dad" I chuckled as I turned and clasped my hands around his neck hugging him.

"No problem, now let's go get you married shall we!"

I nodded with a smile as I pulled back and clutched my hand around his arm. I knew he could tell I was nervous, as if the death grip I held on him wasn't a big enough indication.

It wasn't that I wasn't sure of my feelings for Riley, but more that the commitment of marriage meant a lot to me. The unknown aspect of the future terrified me, and even though I was excited to marry him, I was scared as well.

Everything changed the moment we stepped out of the doors and down the elegant steps lined with petals and ribbon streamers. I focused on putting one foot in front of the other, feeling the eyes of everyone on me as I did.

Was it strange to be so scared that if I looked up he wouldn't even be there?

Dad stopped walking once we got to the bottom of the stairwell, he kept his body facing forward as he whispered to me.

"Are you going to look up sweetie?"

"I can't. What if he's not there?"

"He's definitely there."

"Well what if he doesn't like my dress, or what if he changes his mind?"

"Sweetie, I promise if you look up, everything will be okay." He reassured me.

I nodded and sucked in a deep breath before he took a step forward, pulling me with him and lifted my head up.

Everyone else faded into the background and my grip loosened when I caught my first glimpse of Riley waiting for me at the end of the decorated pathway.

He was red eyed and crying with a smile as our eyes locked and I shot him a smile. My heart was exploding and suddenly I just wanted to run straight into his arms and kiss him in his suit.

Unfortunately my dad decided to take his time as we slowly walked to the front podium overlooking the lake. We finally stopped at the bottom of the podium as my dad took my bouquet and kissed my cheek before helping me step up under the flower arch overlooking the glistening water.

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