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It's been six months. Six long months and even though I still miss him, still feel like half of my heart is missing, I am healing - or at least I think I am?

Kyle has been great these last few months. Ever since I came home to him on my doorstep he has made it his mission to ensure that I don't fall back into that dark place I was in. I won't ever forget that conversation that day.


"Hey," he smiled standing up. "I brought you food." He motioned to the takeout bag in his hand.

"Thanks?" I forced a smile, unlocking the door.

"I'll guess I'll just erm," he handed me the bag, "I guess I should get going."

"Thank you!" I said honestly as I walked into the house before hesitating and turning around. "Do you want to come in?"

"Do you want company?" He asked not meeting my eyes.

"Not really, but I guess it would be nice to have someone to talk too while I eat. It's .."

Almost as if he sensed my discomfort he suddenly grinned and put his hand on my shoulder "Fine, you talked me into it!" He teased putting a small smile on my face.

I put my bag down on the living room table and went to the kitchen to grab a fork before joining him on the couch.

"So I would ask how you've been but I think the fact you've been non existent the last few weeks tells me enough."

"I don't really want to talk about it." I said scooping some Lo mein into my mouth.

"Fair enough, but you can you know. I mean when you're ready to talk about it, I'm here Britt." He placed his hand on my shoulder before leaning down to grab the remote and sinking into the couch turning a comedy show on TV.


It's weird how that day I was able to forget for such a short time that my life was a mess. I could forget momentarily that I was going to be a parent— a single parent, forget the pain in my heart and just enjoy watching tv with a friend like a normal person.

That's how it stayed between us, friendly. He came to check on me if he wasn't working and we just talked about movies or his annoying co-workers.

We didn't delve into the deep stuff, didn't talk about Riley. He had tried to bring up Ava a couple times but eventually gave up when he realized that I wasn't going to explain it.

In fact, our friendship had gotten a lot stronger without anyone else around, well until he decided to show up one night drunk with more alcohol in hand and a clear self destruction mission.

"Britt!!!" He slurred as I looped his hand over my shoulder and helped him to the couch.

"Jesus Kyle! How did you even get here in that state?" I muttered to myself.

"Ooooo burrrr" he sounded it out as I shook my head and went into the kitchen to get him some water.

When I returned I took the beer from him and handed him the water, sitting beside him on the couch as his body swayed.

"Drink this, it will help!" I tried to reason as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Why am I such a fuck up britt?"

"You're not." I stated matter of factly.

"Yeah I am... all my life no one wanted me, there was always someone better. My mom sent me here because her new boyfriend came along, Ava left me by myself, all my ex girlfriends left me too!"

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