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"There's my favorite sister!" Grace hugged me from behind bringing me out of my exhaustion!

I jumped up and squeezed her tightly. "Grace! They didn't tell me you were coming!" I almost cried. I loved Grace, I knew she was busy with school and trying to tame my brother but she was always the best person to be around with her lighthearted personality.

"It was last minute. We didn't know if I could with the pregnancy but I wanted to come." She smiled.

"Well I'm glad you're here." I grinned as Levi moved in to lift me in a tight hug.

"Long time sis, how is everything?" He asked as they took a seat.

"Messy as ever. I don't know how people do it on their own. I'm exhausted all the time. I got pulled over on the way here because after six hours of screaming I just wanted to get here and not have to deal with anything for a while."

"Britt you have to take care of yourself." Grace smiled.

"Yeah, I know things are hard for you sis, but you can't take care of them if you're not taking care of you." Levi added.

"I know that, it's just hard. I've never been completely on my own before, it's just an adjustment." I sighed.

"Well, you always have us. We actually have some news." Grace smiled. "We are coming back, well after the baby is born. Levi's job transferred him back home, so as soon as I pop this thing out we will be right around the corner!"

"What seriously?" The excitement overtook me as she nodded.

"Yeah, they told me we could wait until the baby is born, but that I'm all set for the transfer." He grinned as I crushed him in a hug.

"You don't know how happy that makes me!" I grinned.

"Well we both know it's been hard on you being by yourself, and I want Emelia and Connor to grow up with their cousin." Levi finally let me go. "Well I'm going to go help mom, you girls have fun." He placed a kiss on my forehead and one on Grace's before disappearing back into the house.

Grace started telling me about how the last few years had been, how Levi had been struggling with being away from us, especially after the trial. "I knew we needed to come back or he was going to be miserable, when he mentioned the transfer I told him to take it."

"Thank you Grace, you really are a great sister in law." I smiled.

"We love you Britt. I know you didn't get to do the fancy bridesmaid stuff since we eloped, but Levi didn't want to do anything big and honestly neither did I." She explained.

"Don't even worry about me, my best friend is getting married and I'm already exhausted with it. I'm just glad you are both happy."

We got into a comfortable conversation after that, especially when she started explaining all the crazy friends she had made during her years at college and how Levi would visit and get mad that they never left them alone.

I hadn't even noticed that we had been out here for a few hours until she let out a big yawn and rubbed her swollen belly.

"Come on, we can catch up more tomorrow. Let get you some sleep." I smiled helping her up.

The kids were already asleep as I made my way into the bedroom. My parents had a nice three bedroom, but when we were all here the kids slept with me so grace and Levi could have the other room. The fun was when Averleigh and Spencer came. The living room would be covered in blankets and all of us would have to cram downstairs.

I crept in the middle of the bed between the twins and smiled when they nestled closer to me. Moments like this were the best part of the day. Watching them sleeping, peacefully and without a care in the world. It made all the screaming worth every minute even if at the time it drove me crazy.

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