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It took a while for my eyes to dry up after his little confession, though if he noticed I was crying, he didn't say anything.

I leaned back onto him again, letting my head fall back on his shoulder as I closed my eyes and soaked the moment in. I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to give him, and yet I was still scared of actually doing it.

There was always the possibility he would leave again. There was so much still up in the air but I knew that If that happened, if he actually left again, there would be a domino effect of heartache. First me and then Connor and Emelia, and if that happened there would be no going back.

"Riles?" I whispered.


"Can you take me home?" I asked as he took a nervous breath.

"Sure, did I ... is there ..." he stammered as his hand loosened and I turned myself to face him.

"Riles tonight was perfect, I'm just getting tired that's all." I explained before brushing my lips against his softly.

He smiled against me before I pulled away and he kissed my forehead. "Alright, let's get you back."

"Okay." I grinned taking his hand as we walked the trail back to the truck.

The drive back was quiet but I felt more at peace than I had in the last few years. There wasn't any crazy females lurking around and even if there was, his admission of feelings had given me a new found perspective. I was ready for more, ready to move on from the fear building in my chest.

Perhaps it was time for me to fight for us again. To trust him enough to battle each storm we faced together, like we used too.

Once we made it to my house he helped me inside before leading me to the couch where he pulled me down beside him. His hand rested on my knee as he sunk back into the cushions.

As if he caught me thinking of something inappropriate, I jumped when he cleared his throat.

"Whatcha thinking about?"


"Come on Britt I can tell when you're a million miles away, so what is it?"

I took a deep breath and looked up at him, the sincerity in his eyes causing my breath to hitch before I had a chance to think. He was so close, all it would take was a few words and yet the words wouldn't come out.

I looked away as he let out a breath and stood up, reaching behind him to offer his hand.

"Come with me. I have something for you."

Silently I got up and let his warm hand engulf mine as he pulled me out to the back yard. He pulled me into the middle of the grass before he instructed me to close my eyes.

I did as he said, slowly closing them until all that was left was the peaceful sound of the night entangled with our breathing.

"Keep your eyes closed." He whispered as his hands brushed my neck and down above my shoulders.

"Riles, what.." I began as the cold brushing of metal on my skin sent tingles down my spine.

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