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Riley's pov

It was surreal waking up to her again. Smelling her sweet conditioner, watching her eyes flutter as she dreamed. It was all I had wanted since I got back.

It was hard to control myself especially since all I wanted was to feel her bare body all over mine, over and over again. The little rebound snippet she had given me from the other week wasn't enough, I could never get enough of her.

She disappeared after Connor was all bandaged up, and call me crazy but it seemed as if we had a real family moment as I held her in my arms while she comforted Connor.

Once he was wrapped up and ran off, she said she wanted to shower and went upstairs as I also got up and turned into a teary eyed Courtney.

"I'm sorry Riley .. I didn't mean .."

"Shh, it's okay." I wrapped her in a hug, which she seemed to return eagerly. "Accidents happen and he will be fine." I said pulling away from her. "Just while you're here try to remember that the kids don't think of danger the way we do."

"Okay." She smiled "I should go clean up my face." She wiped her face. "Thanks for not being mad at me. I don't think Brittney was too happy."

"She will be fine, she just hates seeing the kids hurt, it's the mama instinct." I explained as she shot me another smile and went upstairs.

I went into the living room and rounded up the kids before taking them outside in the yard to kick around a soccer ball. Girls always took forever so I knew they would be busy for a while and I really did enjoy every little moment with the kids.

Too bad for me that their twin senses decided to hang up on me forcing me to play goalie as they both took turns kicking shots in my direction. They were four so it wasn't hard to block them, but instead I opted to dramatically dive the wrong way each time like they do on the TV.

"You suck daddy!"

"Yeah you suck!"  They taunted me.

It was at that time that Courtney came walking out with a glass of lemonade and her face completely made up as if she were going on a night out. She took a seat on one of the deck chairs as she stretched out her tanned legs.

I looked at her for a brief second and waved as she smiled at me. I wasn't an idiot and I could see the appeal in Courtney, she was nice to look at. Unfortunately her personality rarely matched her looks unless you were close to her, which made her great friend material but nothing more.

Movement at the doorway had me glancing to the side where Britt and Anna came out smiling at each other as they sat on the chairs beside Courtney.

I turned my attention away from the girls as the kids continued to kick the soccer ball at me. It was turning into a great morning as everyone relaxed and the kids laughed again and again when I missed their shots.

After lunch Britt decided she needed to get the kids home. Home, the place they lived without me, at least for now. We hadn't discussed when we would make our relationship public but as we were saying goodbye I wanted nothing more than to kiss her senseless.

Instead she hugged my family as the kids did the same before she waved goodbye to Courtney politely and walked to the door.

"I'll walk you out." I announced as Courtney looked at me funny.

I shrugged it off and walked Britt and the kids to the car. After we had buckled the kids in, I gave them hugs and kisses before walking around the car to Britt.

Second time luckyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora