~Chapter fourteen~

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I called out his name as I walked around the trees. The last thing I remembered was Jin running after me. I told him he didn't fit my standards and he pretended to be mad. He even used human speed!

But now..... Now he was gone.

I turned around when I heard leaves crunch.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Stop hiding." I mumbled whilst walking forwards.

I gulped when it became quiet. Too quiet...

"Im scared, jin." I whispered. 

I pressed my hand against the tree and leaned onto it.

My breathing became unsteady and I felt a coat of sweat cover my forehead.

The hairs on my arm suddenly stood and I turned around.

My eyes widened and a gasp left my lips.

"Don't be afraid unless I give you a reason to be." the woman in front of me said.

Her skin was pale and based on her clothing she was Royal. I bowed and looked up at her eyes. They were similar to jin's. Hazelnut with a rim of gold.

"W...who are you?" I asked taking a step back.

She may be beautiful to look at but she gave off a strong aura.

"Im not going to hurt you. He wouldn't forgive me if I did." she said taking a step closer.

I moved back as a reflex and tripped over a log.

I landed with a thud.

"If you love him you'll leave." she said looking down at me.

I dug my fingers into the ground and furrowed my brows.


"You're putting his life in danger." she continued.

She suddenly stabbed her heel between my legs.

I flinched and looked down at her shoe.

"You stay away from my-"

She paused.

"I would never hurt him." I whispered.

"A..and you can't take him away from me." I continued.

Her eyes flashed red and she leaned towards me. "Watch me."

I looked behind her to see jin standing in the distance. He looked emotionless, like a statue, frozen in his spot.

"You had a choice." she said raising her fingers. "But you didn't decide."

She snapped fingers and my eyes darted back to jin.

At the sound of her fingers clicking his body suddenly disintegrated into black dust.

My eyes widened and a small scream left my lips.


I was about to get up when she pushed me back.

"Let me go." I sobbed.

Just One Bite •KSJ• |vampire| 18+Where stories live. Discover now