Chapter 19: Yacht adventures

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“Well too bad, we are having it anyway,” he said.

He served this big tray with fruits and next to it was a big bowl of chocolate dipping sauce.

“Don’t say you are going to resist this” Marc said, dipping a grape into the chocolate and putting it into his mouth.

Marc dipped another one into the chocolate and fed me.

“Mmm so good” I moaned.

“You have chocolate on your lips,” he said and licked it off.

“Definitely better than the fruit” he concluded with a smirk.

Marc put a chocolate-covered strawberry into his mouth and fed it to me. We forgot about the dessert tray after that, because we ended up having a different type of dessert.

“I love you” Marc panted, lying next to me.

“I love you too,” I said, putting my head on his chest.

He pulled the blanket up to cover us and kissed my temple.

“What do you love about me, Marc?” I asked.

“Why do you ask that all of a sudden?” he asked.

“Just curious. You could have any model you wanted, why did you choose me?” I asked.

“I have dated models before and they are all the same. They love their luxury and fame and after a while, you just get tired of their superficial character” he said.

“So are you saying you love me for my character and not my smoking hot looks?” I frowned, playfully.

“I love you for both” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around me.

“Do you know why I love you Marc Bartra?” I grinned.

“Why?” he asked, curiously.

“For your smoking hot looks of course, who needs character” I joked.

“Olive!” he groaned.

“I’m just kidding baby,” I said, stroking his face.

“You better or else I’ll punish you with round 2” he winked.

“That sounds like a punishment I can’t deny” I winked, making him laugh out loud.

“Naughty girl” he chuckled and pressed a warm kiss on my lips.

After ‘round 2’ we spent hours cuddling, talking about sweet nothings and just being happy together.

“Marc, thank you for this. I have no words to express how perfect this all is, how perfect you are” I sighed, looking into his eyes.

“Baby, if you love someone you try to make them as happy as you can. I hate seeing you upset…and I knew you were upset, I could hear it in your voice on the phone earlier. I know you didn’t want to talk about it, but I just want you to know that I’m here for you if you need me…always” he said, lovingly.

My eyes started to get watery because this man in my arms was just so flawless.

“Baby, no crying” he cooed, pressing a kiss on my forehead.

“Marc, are you the definition of perfection?” I sighed.

“You are crazy baby! I’m far from perfect” he chuckled.

“But you are perfect for me” I whispered, kissing his lips.

“And you are perfect for me” he whispered against my lips.

Déjà Vu (Neymar)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ