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"Spotting can happen either because the mother is stressing or implantation bleeding. I saw no signs of implantation bleeding so I'm guessing you've been a little stressed?"

Simone nodded her head. "When I to my 2nd ob-gyn appointment the nurse pointed out that my blood pressure was high and I needed to stop whatever was causing it. But it's kind of hard to avoid it."

"That's totally understandable. A lot of first time mother's stress and it's hard to stay calm and collected." The nurse added on as Simone listened to her, fiddling with her fingers.

"..... Have you ever thought about attending Therapy?" The nurse suggested causing Simone to stop fiddling with her fingers and make eye contact with the nurse.

"No. Ion think I need it." She shrugged.

"Well.. if your ob-gyn appointment was at the beginning of the month it's now it's the 13th, you've been stressed all this time and it can really risk a miscarriage."

Simone threw her head back in frustration as the nurse tried to convince her to take Therapy when she thinks she didn't need it. She was perfectly fine how she was. She didn't need to vent to anybody but herself or somebody who understood. What's a random stranger finna do that my friends can't?

"Just think about it, okay?" The nurse set a business card on the table next to her before walking out. Simone looked at it before setting it down again.

A few minutes later there was another knock on the door. It was the same nurse except she held the door open for Celeste, Kameron, and Maimai. Then walking back out.

"How's you and my niece doing?" Kameron asked in an unhappy tone.

"Fine I guess."

"You sure cause it looks like you about to cry again..."

Simone sighed as she burried her hands on her face. "I'm trying not to because im hurting the baby more than I'm hurting myself. I'm trying not to involve myself in stressful situations but it's hard because insteading of me involving myself the situations come to me. And it isn't doing nothing but making matters worse. Literally the second I've been been the hospital in the matter of two fucking months. This shit is mentally draining me. But I'm trying to keep a smile on my face for my baby. I can't do nothing but feel bad for myself if nobody else do. "

"If you feel like you can't avoid stressful situations maybe you need to completely cut yourself off from your daily life. And I'm not talking about quarantining yourself or staying at home all day. I mean avoid doing shit you do outside and in school on a regular basis. Cause I already school been hard for you even before you got pregnant." Celeste told her getting on top of the bed sitting next to her.

"One of the nurses suggested I go to therapy. Do you know how visibly drained and mentally stressed out I gotta be for somebody to suggest therapy to me?"

"Do you wanna go to therapy?"

"I don't know. I feel like either way it ain't gone help."

"You don't know what will and won't help if you don't explore your options."

Simone leaned back in the hospital bed to stare at the ceiling. "I'll think about it."

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