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"I NEVER listened to my mother. It went in one ear, and out the other." once said by the late but great Eazy-E. It was another day, but the same mother disappointed at her son's reckless actions that have now resulted in him needing to report to a juvenile detention center. The same pep talk every black mother gives their sons about repping the streets, about violence.

"And when you come yo ass back here, I don't want yo ass roaming back in them streets again A'belle, and I mean it!" The 6'0 fawn, yellow-skinned teenage boy stood before the telephone to hear his mother ramble loudly in his ear. "Ma-"

"You think this shit is a fucking game! A fairytale full of shits and fucking giggles!" She continued. "This is real fucking life A'belle! I'm not finna be one of those mommas who gotta go casket shopping! I'm not-"

"Ma I know!" The boy lowly shouts over her. "I know, ight! I know this shit gone catch up to me, imma stop." He partially lies.

Once you were involved in the streets. You couldn't just walk out, and that's what a lot of people who didn't have basic street knowledge didn't understand. He was emotionally and physically tied to the streets, the violence, the gangbanging. Chicago is known for their street violence, he might as well fit the stereotype.

He would lay low for a little bit, but completely leaving was impossible.

"I got you ight? You ain't gotta worry about me." He tells his mother.

"A'belle, you're my son... of course I still have to worry about you! Yes you're old enough to make your own decisions but the decisions you're making is leading you down a path to failure." She lectures.

𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐋𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐘Where stories live. Discover now