Chapter 61

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Even though the Festival was over, everyone was still talking about it. I heard that the other departments received good deals and positive feedback from professionals for whatever they did.

Poor Hatsume didn't shower for all the time preparing for the festival... It wasn't a problem to her; she loved working on her 'babies,' but the people around her were starting to have a problem. Of course, she got the best results, and I'm a client of hers, so I know how good her stuff is!

I mean, I didn't pay her, but she didn't ask for payment either.

The day after the festival, we were back in classes and waiting on Aizawa-Sensei to show up. During the festival, I told everyone how I caught a glimpse of Aizawa-Sensei smiling when I created his hologram during the song. They all wanted to tease him and have him tell us his thoughts about our performance.

They didn't waste any time the second he entered the class.

"Aizawa-Sensei! Did you watch our performance?

"Did you like it?"

"A little birdie told us you were there!"

They all started to throw comments and questions at him; I was surprised he didn't explode or use his quirk to settle us down.

"Enough. Yes, I was there, and yes, I enjoyed your performance." he said, and everyone cheered. "Is that why no teacher was allowed to watch you practice?" he asked.

"Well, we couldn't ruin the surprise!" Mina spoke up.

"Exactly! It was a last-minute addition, but we felt it was important to add." Kirishima joined. "(Y/N) made it happen with the help of her quirk, even if she struggled with it at first." he laughed.

"What's a little suffering compared to seeing my favorite teacher smile from the bottom of his heart." I gave him a knowing look.

"So you saw." he chuckled and shook his head. "I will say this only once, so listen carefully." he warned us. "Thank you, all of you. Maybe you're not so bad after all." he smirked.

The class exploded in cheers again; that was the closest thing we would get to an 'I love you' from Aizawa-Sensei. We all stood up and screamed, "WE LOVE YOU TOO, AIZAWA-SENSEI!"

We caught the small blush on his cheeks, but he directly cleared his throat and started class like he wasn't affected by our love confession.

I think that was the best day we've all had since we entered school. We all know that Aizawa-Sensei cares about us, but he doesn't show it. That's just the kind of person he is, but that day we all saw it as clear as day.

The school days continued, as usual, studying and training. Our winter break is coming up soon, but Katuski's and Prince Charming's provisional license exam was first. Most of us were worried about that the most.

We believed that they could pass, but we can't help but worry that the reasons for their first failure might cause them to fail again...

After all, the guy who kept picking a fight with Todoroki is still there, and Katsuki's aggression didn't just go away.

"Hey (Y/N), I want to try something else during our training today." Katsuki tells me after we're done with our warm-up.

"Sure! I'm up for anything."

"I feel like I need to work on my dodging. I have a feeling I've slowed down lately." he explains.

"I can help with that." she says.

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