Chapter 33

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(Y/N)'s POV:

The next morning was hard to get ready for. The sun rose really early, and even then, Aizawa-Sensei made us wake up at 5:30 before the sun even rose. I wanted to just wrap the blanket around me and just disappear and escape the hell awaiting me.

I yawn as we stand outside, waiting for our lovely teacher to start his speech and inform us how we plan to train. "You seem tired (Y/N). Maybe you shouldn't have stayed up late talking with Bakugo all night." he gives me a deadpan look.

I can't believe he actually saw us or felt us? I don't know what trick he used, but I thought we got away with it. The whole class oohs at the information and starts making jokes about it. Bakugo simply rolled his eyes, not in the mood this early to yell or even look at them.

Aizawa-Sensei shuts us up and continues on with explaining how the training will go and how it will help us. He asks Bakugo to demonstrate the exercise he did on the first day of school, and the result he got was not what he wanted.

I wasn't there for that exercise, but it seems he only barely improved from the first day. It's been months, and yet no improvement was majorly shown. To say Bakugo wasn't happy was an understatement.

"You have improved mentally and physically, but you have not worked on the type of training that would improve your quirk to become stronger and more powerful in power." he explains.

That hit us hard. All these months and our quirks barely improved, and here we thought everything would improve in due time with everything. He explains how the training will help us improve our quirks and how we will have to push ourselves past our limits to reach our goal and see improvement.

We all move to a vast area, which Pixie-Bob practically created, where everyone can train on their own things. Aizawa-Sensei explained to everyone what to do to help their quirk get stronger. The other members of the Wild Wild Pussycats were around to observe our progress and let us know where we need to improve.

Tiger, though, the only guy in that Hero group, helped those who need basic strength training, like poor Izuku. The guy was crazy; I could see Izuku almost dying after each set.

Bakugo is training with a drum of boiling hot water... apparently, that helps his sweat glands and the scale of his explosions. The explosions he was letting out were impressive and massive! I'm glad my training station is not so close, because I'm sure by the end of the day I'll be deaf.

Todoroki was regulating the temperature of a tub he's sitting in. Sero was continuously producing tape. Kirishima was hardening and getting hit by Ojiro's tail. Everyone was going through some intense, crazy training!

When Aizawa-Sensei said push our limits, well, he wasn't kidding... I don't even think he knows how to joke. Poor Kaminari kept going into his dunce-face mode since he's training to endure high levels of electricity.

Now, I'm not saying my training was a walk in the park... My supervisor was Aizawa-Sensei for some reason. Apparently, my quirk was the least advanced compared to everyone. It had to be a lie because that is just not acceptable.

"Sensei... You don't need to lie to push me to train harder." I tell him.

"I'm not lying. Everyone can do all sorts of attacks, but you have your speed that you always rely on and the few attacks with those light beams of yours. You need to enlarge your inventory of attacks." he explains.

He wasn't lying... but it doesn't mean I liked hearing it. I can still beat every single person in this class. Using my speed... Augh!

"I saw the attack you did when you worked with Iida in the Beast Forest. That, for example, worked better in rapid attacks than the continuous beams you've been using." he continues to explain.

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