Chapter 55

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Hey (Y/N). What are you up to?" Izuku walks up to me in the common room and sits down on the couch behind me.

I am currently sitting on the floor in front of the table with my sketch notebook, trying to come up with something that could work. "Hey, Izuku. I'm trying to redesign my hero costume. I just can't figure out how I want it to look." I bite my lip and look at the drawing sideways.

"How come? I like the one you have now." he shares and giggles at my moves.

"Lately, I got a scar on my shoulder that stands out too much. My shoulders are exposed in my current one, so I'm trying to find a way that works with my style that could help me cover it up." I give up and get back to sit next to him.

He knew of the time I was referring to. Shigaraki. His silence was obvious, and he didn't know if he should mention it or just ignore it and move on.

Not sure how he found out about it, but I felt fine with him knowing.

"D-Do you have other sketches in there?" he chose to ignore it, thankfully.

My sketching isn't really a secret, but I never shared it with anyone. I don't even think Katsuki knows I sketch in my free time or doodle, really. For the sake of not ruining the moment again, I decide to show.

"They're really just doodles I do when I'm bored or not in the mood to do homework." I hand him my sketchbook to flip through.

He starts from the very first page. I hadn't joined U.A back then, so it was mostly filled with flowers or cars or cats sitting on the wall in front of my house. "Wow (Y/N), these are really good. These aren't just doodles." he laughs and continues.

"Hey guys, what are you looking at?" Kirishima walks out of the kitchen.

"Oh, Kirishima, it's you, come look." oh God, he reached the U.A section.

The redhead runs up to us and leans on the back of the couch, looking down between us. "Oh my God, is that a sketch of me? Or more like sketches." he laughs and looks closer at the drawings of him in his uniform and hero costume.

"(Y/N) made them, aren't they amazing?" Izuku asks him as he flips the paper.

"I knew you were amazing! They are so lifelike." he smiles at me.

"Oi, Shittyhair. Have you seen-"

"Katsuki! Hey, have I shown you this before?" I lean back when I hear his voice and call him over.

"What are you doing? Where have you been?" he asks as he sits on the armrest next to me. He sounded a bit irritated.

"I was with Aizawa-Sensei trying to come up with some kind of training for... you know. Now I'm just showing them my sketchbook. Look, this page is dedicated to you." I chuckle as I bring it closer to him. With Izuku's and Kirishima's praises, I feel more confident showing them to Katuski.

"I've seen them before. What did Aizawa say?" he has? When?

"Um... He wants me to stay in control; for now, he thinks it will help me get a better feel of whatever I'm supposed to feel. When did you see them?" I ask him trying to change the subject. I didn't want people in class to know just yet about the demon.

"Does he have a plan for you? Or is he just winging it?" he ignores my question and insists on the training subject.

"There is something wrong with your boy." oh, here we go. Thanks to Aizawa-Sensei telling me not to ignore her and actually reply back in the hopes it gives me more control, now I hear her a lot more.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin