Chapter 23

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(Y/N)'s POV:

After class that day, even though Bakugo didn't want to, we decided to meet at a cafe to go over the exams' materials. Bakugo will be our teacher, and I already know he isn't the patient 'you will get it next time' type of teacher.

"Bye mom, bye dad." I yell out in the house and put my shoes on.

"Wow, hold on!" my dad stops me just before I leave. "Where are you going?"

"I told you guys yesterday. I'm meeting with some friends for a study session. My exams are coming up." I tell him again.

"And who are these friends, if I may ask?" I'm not sure why he's been so protective recently; it's like he has issues with the boys in my class.

"Kirishima and Bakugo." I answer truthfully.

"I knew it! You are going out with that explosive kid! I'm telling you (Y/N), he is bad news!" here comes the lecture again.

"Dad, for the last time, Bakugo is a good person. He just has a wild personality. If you actually get to know him, you will find him very cute and sweet, and even though he will never admit it and hides it, he really cares about his friends and family."

My parents look at me with saucer eyes, and out of nowhere, my dad runs to my mom and hugs her. "What do we do?! My daughter has fallen for a demon!" he yells.

"Dad! I didn't fall for anyone! B-Bakugo and I are just friends." my phone rings, and I groan when I see the caller ID. "Augh! Are you guys happy now? He's going to eat my head off for being late now."

I leave the house and run to the restaurant. I use my quirk and get there in two minutes. I enter the restaurant and directly find them, thanks to Bakugo's angelic voice. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late." I tell them, trying to catch my breath.

"Took you long enough." Bakugo just has to complain.

"Ya, well, my dad was being dramatic again that I was meeting up with you." I sit next to Kirishima. Bakugo-Sensei said to sit in front of him so he can teach us better.

"Why does your dad have a problem with Bakugo? Does he not know you guys are dating?" Kirishima asks as I get my books out.

"Wait, how the fuck did you find out that we were dating already!?" Bakugo yells, shocked.

Kirishima and I just look at him as if he must be joking, and we are waiting for the "I'm kidding." But he just stares at him, waiting for his answer.

"Are you serious, man?" he laughs. "I found out on the same day you guys got together." he informs him.

"HUH!? Why don't I know any of this?" he looks at me this time.

"I thought you knew... he almost screamed it out in class that day, but All Might interrupted him." I tell him.

Bakugo just sits there confused and wondering how he missed something like this. I give him his peace and answer Kirishima. "My parents don't know that I'm dating yet. I like Bakugo a lot, and I understand him and see him for his true self. A lot of other people don't see him the way we both do, you know?" I know for a fact that Kirishima shares my views on who the real Bakugo is.

"Ya, it took me a few days to understand his actions and words. I can honestly say now that Bakugo is my best friend in UA. I don't care what others think." we both nod at the truth of his words.

"I would say he's my best friend too, but I prefer to call him my boyfriend." I giggle, and Kirishima laughs.

"O-Oi... You guys are talking as if I'm not here!" lovely Bakugo is back.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now