Chapter 36

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(Y/N)'s POV:

After the police checked and took everyone's statements, all the kids were sent home, and the ones who were injured were sent to the hospital. Izuku was one of those people, and a part of me wanted to go with him, but the adults didn't allow us.

Apparently, we were needed to get home and reassure our parents that we were okay. But we made a plan for all of us to go visit him tomorrow.

By the time I got home, I was exhausted. My parents were already waiting for me outside the house, looking very worried. My mom ran to me and engulfed me in her arms; I could feel her tears wetting my shoulder.

"I'm okay, mom." I simply say, but it didn't help much.

"Come on, let's go inside." my dad says and leads us inside.

We all sit on the couch, and dad brings over cups of hot chocolate, hoping it would help calm my mom and get us to relax a bit. I sit between the both of them and just keep my gaze on my cup. I could feel my parents and the hundred questions they have for me; they just weren't sure if I was okay with talking about it.

"Are you okay, Sweetie?" my dad finally asks.

"I am. I didn't get caught in any of the fights or problems. I mostly helped out." I say, watching the vapor escape my cup. "But in the end, I was useless."

"What do you mean?" my mom asks.

At first, I didn't know if I wanted to say it; it still stings whenever I think about it. A large hand covers mine, and I notice it was dad's. "It's okay if it's too hard to say." he tells me.

"...Bakugo was kidnapped." I heard my mom gasp and directly cover her mouth to hide it.

"How...? Where were the teachers? From what you've told us and what I could tell, he is a strong boy." my dad thinks out loud, he might not be on the same page with Bakugo all the time, but he did think he would be a good hero in the future.

"It's those villains; they had everything planned. The teachers were spread out to get to all the kids. It was a mess; we weren't in one area altogether, everyone was spread out, and they used that to their advantage." I explain to them.

Dad raises his hands and scratches his hair, and lets out a heavy sigh. The Hero in him was analyzing the entire event and trying to think of how it could have gone in a better way. "I tried to get to him in time, to find him and get him away from all this mess." I scoff and shake my head. "I obviously failed."

"Honey, you tried your best. The Heroes will find him, and he will be okay; I'm sure they didn't kidnap him to hurt him." my mom tries to comfort me, saying similar words Kirishima did.

"Did they find out who the villains are?" my dad is still analyzing.

I nod with my lips pursed. "They are with Shigaraki... They seem to be in some kind of team." I tell them in a low voice, knowing the reaction was going to be big.

And it was... My mom drops her cup on the floor, spilling her hot chocolate everywhere. "Oh, man. Sorry, I was just surprised." she tries to cover her fear with a forced laugh, but I saw right through it. I know my mom still hates it when that name is mentioned, especially if my name is in the same sentence or related to it.

My dad gets a wet cloth and cleans the mess. Thankfully the mug didn't break since it didn't fall from that high up. "Did you see him?" he asks.

"No, he wasn't there. The guy who creates portals was there for their escape, and... one of them had a message for me." I decide to tell them; they would understand my feelings towards it better than Kirishima, only because they know exactly what I went through.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora