Chapter 53

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Bakugo's POV:

I was forced to stay one more day in this damn hospital; the doctors were still worried about my drowsiness taking effect outside the hospital. Once I could stay up the entire day like a normal fucking human, they discharged me.

(Y/N) stayed with me the entire time and almost jumped on me when we were outside the hospital. She held herself back, worried about my already healed burn on my stomach and the stab wound on my shoulder.

Even though I told her I'm fully healed, she can be pretty stubborn.

The plan about that thing inside her needed to take action as soon as possible. So, when she dropped me at home, I made sure to send her back to hers. Gave her the excuse that we both needed a shower badly and that I'll come over when I'm done.

I'm not exactly sure how this whole mess is going to go, but fuck that thing if it thinks it can scare me away with a mere threat! Maybe another threat would have worked, but not this one.

I don't fucking care what it does to me, but it seems (Y/N) and her parents suffered a lot because of it, so it needs to go.

After my shower, my mom forces me to have something to eat. I caused a whole ass drama about it, and dad had to intervene, not that he helped anyway. He's too much of a coward to stand up to her.

Or maybe he's just whipped. I don't fucking know. What I do know is that sometimes I feel just like him when (Y/N) is involved. It's annoying.

"I'm leaving." I tell them as I put on my shoes.

"Katuski." she stops me.

"Don't try to stop me." I answer without looking back.

"Shut up, you brat, and listen to me." she yells.

"Fuck-" she slaps the back of my head and shuts me up.

"What you did for that girl was dangerous, and if I knew, I would have probably stopped you." she starts, but I will not stand here and listen to her say that.

"You don't know shit! I would do that again and again, and even worse if she's ever in trouble again. I fucking love her, and no one will stand in my way." I glare at her, challenging her.

"I know that you idiot." she scoffs, leaving me confused. "I also know what you are going to do right now, your teachers informed us. You are taking a big fucking role here, Katsuki. I hope you know that if you continue like this, there is no going back." her eyes soften for a split second, but they're also filled with worry and concern.

My dad was in the back; he understood what the hell she's talking about and seems to agree with her.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I sure didn't get the hidden message. She sighs and shakes her head.

That's when dad steps up and rests his hand on her shoulder. "What she means, Katsuki, is that you are going a long way for this girl. Risking your life, saving her from anything and everything, helping her with her issues-"

"She doesn't have issues!" I growl, defending her.

"She does, son. And we are not saying that's a bad thing, but you can not do all that and then one day change your mind about your place in her life." I was starting to get what they are trying to say.

"You are becoming a fucking Anchor to her, Katsuki. I won't be surprised if you already are." my mom adds.

"Okay, I was starting to understand, but now you fucking lost me. What the fuck is an anchor? I mean in this scenario." I ask, even though I was getting irritated because we are wasting time.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon