Chapter 24

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(Y/N)'s POV:

We enter the made-up town, where we will be going up against Aizawa-Sensei, and we hide in an alley waiting for the signal to start the test. I stay behind Todoroki and Momo, not wanting to attract attention or to interact.

Like Bakugo said, Todoroki is strong, and Momo is capable. If they need my strength, I will obviously lend it since I need to participate to pass. However, I don't see the point in interacting with them and trying to make friends and all that.

If I can pass the test without going out of my way to deal with them and be all friendly, that would be the best-case scenario.

"Yaoyorozu, (Y/N). Are you guys nervous?" he asks; it seems he was talking to us, and we were both in our own thoughts. "Well, it's understandable since we are going up against a tough opponent. But I have a plan." he informs us.

Already? Wow, that was fast. Momo gasps at the information, and that's when the buzzer goes off, and we start running to get to the gate. He doesn't look back once or asks us anything; he just tells us what he needs us to do.

Momo is told to make anything small from her body until she suddenly can't. That way, we can tell Aizawa-Sensei is close by. I'm supposed to keep a lookout in case something comes from behind us. I don't complain; I'm sure they will be able to pull this off.

Momo obeyed the orders. I only say it like this because it seemed like that. It felt like she had something to say but decided to stay quiet and just follow the plan Todoroki came up with.

"This test will be depending on who finds the other first. Once we catch sight of him, I'll draw his attention to me, and you two will escape towards the gate." that's his plan...? For him to take on Eraser Head on his own? Seriously...?

Momo again looks uncomfortable, but when he questions her about not making anything with her quirk, she just nods and starts making small Russian dolls. Again, she didn't tell him what she was thinking... 

This is so frustrating to watch.

As we continue running, Todoroki suddenly stops and questions what creation exactly was Momo doing. She explains to him what kind of dolls they are, and she stuffs them in her belt. I stay behind both of them, watching them and our surroundings. 

Out of nowhere, Momo compliments Todoroki about his skills. He didn't understand at first what she found so amazing. Honestly, neither did I. But she goes on, explaining how amazing he was in coming up with a plan directly and his results in the festival. While she, on the other hand, hasn't done anything.

"It's nothing special." he answers her. And that's when my patience and tolerance line snapped.

"Wow, you sure are confident." I finally speak up.

"Excuse me?" he asks, both of them turning to look at me.

"I said you are confident. In your skills, and strategic plans, and of course the fact that you have two quirks." I didn't want to interfere or interact with these two because I'm sure our personalities would clash.

"That's a bad thing?" he asks. He didn't seem like he took offense, which is great because I didn't mean it in such a bad way.

"Well, it really depends on how you look at it. You are so confident in yourself; you believe you are strong enough for anything that is thrown at you." I cross my arms and look at him seriously. "You are a strong student, but that's the part you are missing. You are still a student. You have a lot more to learn."

Todoroki doesn't comment; he just stands there looking at me. Momo seemed nervous that I was calling him out. "I get you have two quirks, and that makes you stronger than the rest maybe, but you aren't the first kid who gets two quirks from their parents." I shake my head at him.

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