Chapter 42

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Bakugo forced me to go down and get some food in my system. Well, I guess he didn't really force me, but it's not like I'm going to accept him calling me a wimp. Because I'm not! So, if heading down where everyone is sitting proves that, then I will.

We arrive at the common room, and the entire class was sitting, talking, and laughing among themselves. Kirishima was the first to notice our entry, even though he was sitting on the couch that was not facing us.

"Hey, (Y/N)! How are you feeling?" he asks but doesn't show a sign of getting up.

"Ya, I'm fine." I purse my lips and give a tight smile.

"Stay here with them while I go prepare something." Bakugo says and pushes me in their direction. "Kirishima." he says but only nods towards me and leaves. I don't need to be looked after...

"Wait, Bakugo..." but he was gone. I look back at my silent classmates; some had smiles on, and others had blank expressions.

"Come and sit with us." Kirishima says. I walk up to the couch he was sitting on with Kaminari and Sero, but there was no space. "A special place just for you." he pulls me from my arm and makes me sit on his lap.

"Um, Kirishima... you do know Bakugo is right there in the kitchen, right?" I point behind us; he will not be happy if he sees our position.

"Ah, don't worry about him." he waves his hand to ignore it.

"He's not going to like this." I chuckle, already imagining him exploding. "So, how was school?" I try to keep the conversation going.

"Well, Aizawa-Sensei spoke to us about the licenses that we will be training for. Apparently, we have to come up with some ultimate move or something." Kaminari explains.

"Ya, we will be practicing in a new area with some Pro-Heroes. They are going to kill us till we get our moves perfectly." Sero jokes and winces at the future pain.

I laugh at his face, and everyone joins in. We continue to talk about what they did in their day, and it was slowly starting to feel less awkward. There were still people who weren't participating in our talk, like Mineta and Hagakure, but the others were slowly settling.

"What the fuck is this? Was there no other place for her to sit?" Bakugo comes and grimaces at my seat.

"Nope, this was the only place that was close to us." Kirishima grins up at him. I shake my head at how unaffected Kirishima is when it comes to Bakugo.

"I got the food; let's head back now." he says and points with his head back to my room.

"Ah, wait!" Kaminari says and pulls me back into Kirishima. On instinct, Kirishima's hands held my waist.

"Shittyhair, you better get your hands off her now." he growls.

"Don't worry, Bakubro, I was only making sure she doesn't fall." he laughs and lifts his hands to surrender.

I get off his lap and look to Kaminari. "What's up, Kaminari? I'm starving."

He looks towards Mineta and Hagakure, and I could tell he was silently telling them to do something. Bakugo walks up to me and grabs my hand. "We don't have time for this." he says and walks towards the rooms.

Suddenly we were wrapped in tape? I look back and see Sero with his hand stretched. "Just hold on a minute. Please hear them out." he says and pulls a bit on the tape, making us take a few steps back.

Bakugo was ready to rip the tape and kill all of them, but Sero releases us before he could do anything, and I turn to him. "Just a bit, okay? I'm fine." I say as I rest my hand on his cheek to make him look at me.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now