Chapter 13

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Shigaraki's POV:

"This is incredible; how can we be so lucky?" I laugh while scratching my neck. This is great news; Sensei was pleased that we found her again. Now we need to keep an eye on her and find the proper and perfect time to get to her.

"Shigaraki, what are you doing?" Kurogiri comes closer as I'm sitting on my computer.

"Watching the U.A. Sports Festival. I need to keep an eye on a few things there." I answer without looking at him.

"Is this about that girl you told me to go after?" he leans on the bar.

"Yes, and the boy with green hair. They are both special, but she's different." I answer as I see her win against this pink-skinned girl.

"How come she hasn't been brought up before?" he doesn't know about what happened between us; after that time, there was no need to open the subject. It was gone.

"We didn't think she was this close all this time. If we knew, things would have been so different. She would be here. But that will change soon; she will come here. I'll make sure of it." I scratch my neck at the thought of getting her here.

All those years, and she was so close. How we didn't realize or find her, I don't know. We failed back then, but this... this time, I'll make sure it works perfectly! Maybe she was too young last time; maybe this time, her body will accept it and work with it.

Watching her fight, I can see she has gotten a lot better at controlling her powers and much more confident in how she carries herself. She used to look so innocent and pure, but now she seems ready for anything. That might be problematic for us, but I'm sure we can think of something.

Especially if she reacts the way she did at USJ! That was the perfect reaction to our reunion; we could use that when we meet again and make sure she doesn't put up a fight. Things won't be as easy as they were back then, but we aren't the same either. Things will be different this time. This time it will work.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I don't know what suddenly happened with Bakugo, but not only did he somehow, in his own way, apologize to me. He also said he cared for me. He got angry for my sake when someone insulted me; I didn't think he would care.

He even encouraged me properly; all that was missing was a smile. Somehow though, I felt one hidden under that fake grimace of his. I'm going to make sure I win this battle and meet him in the next one. I think we are both secretly pushing ourselves to win, just to be able to face each other at some point.

We both believe we need a rematch after the first one we did. We both know it could have gone a lot better. I want to have Bakugo come at me with his full strength and power, and I will give it my all as well without holding back. We really need it.

We are dying for it. To go all out without having anyone to stop us or get us in trouble. We are authorized to try our best to win against our opponent here.

I get out and walk to the arena with everyone cheering; I see Tokoyami come up as well, looking all serious. For this match, I planned and strategized my attacks. If my information is correct, Tokoyami is unlucky to be matched with me.

The darker the area is, the stronger his shadow becomes. And with my quirk being light, he is badly matched. I just need to use my light to keep his shadow as small as possible. I haven't watched him fight a lot, which could be a disadvantage for me. But I'm sure my speed can help me in that department.

We stand in the middle and await our signal. "Ladies and gentlemen! We have our second match with (Y/N) and Tokoyami; who will win this round and move on to the next?" Present Mic screams out, and the crowd cheers for him and us, I guess.

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