Chapter 47

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(Y/N)'s POV:

After Katsuki kissed me in class, I thought things would go back to normal between us, but when we got back to the dorms, he left to his room. He did tell me he was tired and wanted to rest and that he would talk to me tomorrow, but that is not what I was expecting.

I mean, you don't just walk into class and kiss me like that and just go back to ignoring me. I was going to grab him and throw him to the floor for his stupid and rude behavior,  but the sad look in his eyes stopped me.

I've known Katsuki for months now, and I've never seen him look this sad before. What is going on inside his head? What kind of thoughts are floating around to make him seem like a kicked puppy?

"I thought you guys worked things out?" Kirishima sits next to me while I was looking at the Tv but not paying attention.

"I thought so too. I guess there are still things bothering him, but he did make progress. He told me he's going to his room because he's tired." I give him a small smile.

"That's good; focus on the good stuff. He managed to come up to you today in class; I'm sure it won't be long before you get back to killing each other and loving each other at the same time." he laughs, which makes me laugh.

"I just don't want it to take another week, we have our Hero Work-Studies soon, and I want to leave without having to worry about him. Especially since he will be stuck here training and studying to retake the Provisional License exam." I explain to him.

He hums and takes a second to think about it. His face lights up as he jumps and turns to me. "I guess there is only one way to get him to talk." he exclaims.

I look at him and try to read his thoughts and expression, just in case I can guess what he's thinking of, but I come up with nothing. "Haven't we tried everything?"

He shakes his head and looks around to make sure we didn't have an audience. "This could be tricky. You just need to wait till everyone is asleep and then sneak into his room." he whispers to me.

"Sneak in?!" I couldn't help but raise my voice at the idea. "If I get reported to the teachers, I would be suspended! I think..." I look to the side in thought.

"You won't get suspended; probably just asked to do some extra work for them." he tried to remember the rules. "Anyway, you just have to wait till night time, late night, to make sure no one is still awake to report you." he explains. "If you are quiet enough, Aizawa-Sensei won't even realize you went out of the room."

Since when does Kirishima come up with such plans? Usually, Kaminari or Sero come up with plans that could get us in trouble. Are they influencing him?!

"Are you sure about this?" I ask again.

"Yes, trust me. Plus, that way, he can't make a ruckus and kick you out because he knows you will get in trouble. No matter how upset he is, he still cares about you and wouldn't put you in harm's way." he explains again.

He does have a point. It will be too risky to go back to my room, especially since he's on the fourth floor. The elevators will make noise, and someone might wake up. Someone like Tenya! Oh man, if he catches me, I am dead.

We do usually sleep in the same room, but that's going in together before Tenya heads to bed, and Aizawa-Sensei doesn't check on us unless we make noise or someone calls him. We haven't slept in the same room since his mood started... It could work?

Tenya won't report me to Aizawa-Sensei, but he will lecture me himself, which would last all night.

"Okay, I'll do it tonight. If he's resting now, he won't be in such a shitty mood later on. At least I hope so." we laugh at our grumpy buddy.

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