Chapter 35

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(Y/N)'s POV:

This can't be happening... That did not just happen. Was Bakugo seriously taken by the villains? He's gone? I see if there's anything around us that can give me a hint on finding him, but it was just an empty forest.

Izuku yells from the top of his lungs, making this more of a reality than I wanted to acknowledge. His scream was soul-shattering to hear. Uraraka and Tsu come running towards us, but everyone was too busy staring at the ground to talk to anyone at the moment.

The fire was still spreading in the forest, not allowing us to stay put and let all that happened to sink in. I see red shoes in my line of vision and look up to find Izuku looking at me with all the sadness in his eyes.

He would have offered me a hand to get up, but both of his hands were already shattered and wrapped. I stand up, suddenly feeling the numbness all around me and inside me. I couldn't feel anything, not my tired legs or my depleted stamina. I could barely feel my own thoughts and the people around me.

"I'm sorry." he apologizes in a whisper.

We both knew I wouldn't answer him; I didn't have the ability to even tell him he had nothing to apologize for. We all walk back to the cabin in complete silence, feeling the failure we just went through.

We allowed one of our classmates to get kidnapped.

The police were just arriving at the cabin when we got there. The rest of the students were outside with Vlad, and Aizawa-Sensei was explaining to the officers what happened and about the villains.

"Midoriya! Todoroki!" Kirishima yells and gestures for us to join their group. That gets our teacher's attention, and he comes to check on us.

"Are you guys alright? Midoriya, we should get you to a hospital immediately." he says and looks us over.

I was standing at the back of the group, waiting for someone to take us back home or to school or anywhere really. I just didn't want to be here anymore.

"Bakugo?" I flinch at the mention of the name. My eyebrows frown and twitch at the anger that I feel building up inside me. I wasn't sure anymore if it was anger or disappointment or hopelessness. I just knew it was negative.

Izuku shook his head, and everyone went quiet again.

"(Y/N)..." I hear Kirishima call out to me, and I lift my head to look at him, my face void of any expression. He slowly approaches me and tries to comfort me, but he wasn't sure how.

That's when I see the police dragging a huge guy that was all tied up. He was probably one of the villains... Is he the one Izuku fought? Since he was the only one who was captured and he looks all beat up and messed up.

He was with the others, he would know where they are or where their base is, or even better, he would know where they are taking Bakugo to!

I start to walk slowly towards him and the officers; the closer I got to him, the faster my breathing was getting, and the stronger the feeling inside was getting. I didn't have any more energy for speed; I lift my hand and fire a laser beam at his leg, making him scream.

"What the!? What are you doing, kid?" the officer says and comes closer to get me away from him.

But I wanted to get answers. I push both of them away and make the big guy fall to his back. I position my hand right in front of his face. "I'll ask, and you will give me the answers I want, or I will burn your face off. Am I clear?" I threaten him, with my hands glowing White.

"(Y/N)! Get off him! What do you think you're doing?!" I hear Aizawa-Sensei say, but I don't listen.

"Where is your base? Where did they take him?" I ask, but the guy stays silent and smirks at me.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now