Chapter 8

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"If you feel uncomfortable or anything, just give us a call, and we will directly come and pick you up, okay?" mom tells me as she sees me out.

"Don't worry, mom; I'll be fine." I hug her and leave the house. I know she's worried, and even though I understand why, I can't stay at home. As All Might said, hiding out in the house will not help.

I'm sure the school will protect their students; they won't just allow villains to walk in and do whatever they like. I'll be surrounded by Pro Heroes and the students in my class; they put up a good fight during USJ.

However, I don't want to just be protected like a damsel in distress. I need to push myself to face these nightmares and stand up for myself. Hopefully, the training we will receive in school will help me get stronger and more in control.

The last thing I need is Bakugo laughing in my face and looking down on me.

As usual, the school is packed with students. How come they all come to school so early? I deliberately come early to avoid the crowd; I'm still met with a huge wave of students.

Let's just try to have a peaceful day today...

"Well, look who decided to show up." oh, I forgot about him...

"(Y/N)! Good morning!" Kirishima greets me while Bakugo is smirking at me.

"Good morning Kirishima. Wipe that smug look off your face, asshole." I walk up to them.

"Make me. You still came after all." he huffs in amusement.

"Well, I just didn't want you coming to my house again, begging me to come back because of how much you missed having me around." it was my turn to smirk.

"Wait, Bakugo told you he missed you?" Kaminari joined the conversation.

"HA?! When did I fucking say that?" he glares at me.

"It was so sweet, Kaminari; he was like a knight in shining armor. He called out to me from under my balcony and professed how much class just isn't the same without me and begged me to come back." I act out with my hands clasped together over my chest. "I just didn't have the heart to say no." I shrug and smirk at him.

"You bitch!" he huffs with a small smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Firecracker; I'll make sure to entertain you." I tap his nose and get to my seat as Aizawa makes his way into class.

"(Y/N), it's good to have you back. Make sure you catch up on your classwork. Now I have an announcement to make." he takes a seat at his desk. He was still wrapped up, and my heart hurt seeing him like this. He's amazing to be able to get back in life as if nothing happened after something so life-threatening.

I wonder how he copes with all this... How he can just act as nothing happened and move on in life. He was on the verge of death, but if you look at him now... his attitude is like he fell down the stairs instead of almost being killed by an unknown creature.

"The most-viewed event in the world is coming up, and we need to prepare for it. The U.A. Sports Festival." he explains, and the whole class explodes in excitement. I used to watch the tournaments from time to time at home, and now I'm going to be a part of them.

"Wait, Aizawa-sensei." Jiro lifts her hand. "Isn't it too soon to attend the festival since the USJ attack?" she has a point.

"It might be, but this event is far too important to cancel. As you may know, Pro Heroes will be watching you, and it will give you opportunities to be scouted by their agencies if you perform well." the excitement buzzes again in class.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now