Chapter 18

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(Y/N)'s POV:

After a whole exhausting, scary week... the internship is finally over. I have never suffered so much in my entire life. This was the longest week I've ever experienced! It felt like years are passing by.

The amount of time I wanted to leave and just forget about everything... but there was no way I would be called a quitter or a coward.

Mirko, the Pro-Hero, is the toughest person I have ever seen. Person? Bunny? Oh wait, she hates being called a bunny... I learned that the hard way. She has ears and a fluffy little tail, which is actually kind of cute. But that is the only cute thing about her; her physical build is scary. I know she will be able to crush me just by looking at her.

Before going to my internship, I asked my parents about her. They only had good things to say about her. Back in their day, she wasn't as successful as she is now, but she was still a good hero. They warned me of her loud and strong personality, but I underestimated her completely.

Mirko is a tough person; she will whip you into shape without even blinking twice about it. She speaks her mind, not caring how you would take it or if it would cause issues. She did admit that she liked me because I didn't care either about letting her know my own honest thoughts.

Like I said, though... She is tough. She respected my honesty but taught me about respecting my elders and superiors. Sometimes I still feel that bruise on my head.

The training she put us through was hell. She prefers people to work alone, saying working in teams will allow some to slack off and just rely on others. Every task she would give us had to be solved in our way, and sometimes she would even time us.

The good thing, though, is that she would praise us after succeeding and rewards us with all sorts of things, food, rest for a few hours, those were important... She would even acknowledge our strengths and efforts.

The days we would go on patrol or small missions she deemed us ready for were also hectic. I thought heroes would be calm and collected out in public and in the face of danger, but Mirko was different. She was smiling and beaming in the face of danger or bad situations. She would actually get excited when something bad happens and smiles in the face of that danger.

If the situation was too much for us interns, she would step in with a huge grin. As if a child was allowed to play, and right after, she would look for the next situation to be rescued. We basically ran around town all day, almost every day.

Before each of us left her training, she gave us a piece of advice. She told us to live every day of our lives to the best of our abilities, to live with no regrets, and to be true heroes, we should do everything in our power for the greater good.

At first, I didn't really understand what she could mean by that. How could someone not live like that? But as I thought more about it that night before sleeping, it slowly came to me. Regrets could come in all shapes and sizes; they don't all have to be life-altering.

I regret being weak when I was little, and I learned to get stronger, but that didn't give me the push to do the best of my abilities. If anything, it held me back. Seeing everyone in my class giving it their all highlighted the difference in our abilities.

The next morning when I woke up, I decided to follow her advice and live my life to the fullest. Speak what I want to who I want, as long as I'm respectful to my superiors. And do everything I want to the best of my abilities without anything holding me back.

I come to this resolution on my way to school. I forgot all about how hectic my week was and decide to just enjoy life as it is now. I will give it my all in everything; class 1A won't even know what hit them.

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