Chapter 48

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Bakugo's POV:

Last night was... embarrassing, to say the least. I can't believe I completely broke down in front of her. I acted like a fucking child who needed to be cradled! So much for keeping a strong mask on for her...

I won't lie and say it didn't help immensely. I feel a lot lighter and like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. She made me promise to talk to her about my troubles and not hold them in anymore... I hate breaking promises, but that is going to be harder to keep than anything else.

As usual, I'm awake before her. I look down and see her sleeping peacefully in my arms. I missed her a lot. I can't believe I managed to stay away from her for a week, especially after that kiss we shared in class.

I want to kiss her now, but that would wake her up. And we don't want that; it's still too early.

I keep looking at her, remembering everything she said to me. All those reasons she gave on why she loves me. I can't say I don't feel the same way. She might not find herself strong, but to me, she is, especially after what she went through.

She will be going away for the Work-Studies this week, and I'll have to stay here and study. I need to pass the next provisional license exam and catch up to her. We will stand side by side, no matter what.

I won't let anything get in our way.

"You like staring at people when they sleep?" I hear her say in her sleepy voice. Her eyes were still closed.

I chuckle and look at the ceiling. "Not really; I was just wondering how a person as small as you can snore so loudly."

She gasps, and her eyes open wide. "Take that back! I do not snore." she yells at me.

"Are you sure about that?" I smirk and look down at her.

"Katsuki!" she hits me on my chest, and I couldn't help but laugh. "It's not funny."

"It is; let me show you just how funny it is." I get on top of her and tickle her sides; I know she is the most ticklish there.

Her laughter fills the air, and she starts wiggling around, trying to get away from me, but I had her locked in place. I keep tickling her until I see tears in her eyes. "S-Stop, please. M-My heart's going to s-stop!" she tries to say.

"See how funny it is now?" I stop and ask her.

"You're so annoying. So much energy wasted so early in the morning..." she sighs and flops back on the bed.

"I feel like you're getting lazier and lazier by the day." I shake my head at her and get back to put on a new shirt and pants.

"You know, you really shouldn't change in front of me." I look back at her and find her staring at me.

"Why? Are you going to pounce on me?" I say sarcastically with another smirk.

Her face goes red, and she looks away while scoffing. "As if! I'm a lady."

"You? A lady? Ya, sure." I mock her a bit more.

"That's it, you're dead!" she yells and jumps out of bed.

I run out of the room with her following me and yelling at me; I couldn't help but laugh all the way to the common room. I hide behind a corner and wait for her to pass by; once she does, I grab her from her waist and carry her.

"Put me down, Katsuki! I'm going to kill you." she wiggles around, trying to get away.

I set her down and kiss her. "I love you." I smile.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now