Chapter 57

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I can't describe how happy I am at the moment. Even though we skipped classes today, and I'm not really sure what excuse Kirishima told Aizawa-Sensei, it was starting out perfect. Katsuki was still sleeping next to me with his back to me.

I was sleeping and hugging him just a minute ago, but when I woke up and checked on him, I had to stay awake. He had the most peaceful expression on his face I've seen for weeks now. He didn't stir at all or mumble or anything.

He was in such a deep slumber from the moment he closed his eyes; nothing would wake him up.

My amazing, handsome boyfriend, who is sleeping next to me, looked adorable in his sleep. I had to take a picture of him. A picture he shall never see, or else he will kill me for it. But I just couldn't help it! What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't take a picture of that?

Oh! I have to show it to Kirishima later. He would be so happy to see him so peaceful.

"Katsuki." I lean in and whisper in his ear, slowly trying to wake him up. I only get a hum. "You don't want to get up?" I ask.

"Just five more minutes." he mumbles.

"Okay, I'll go prepare something for us to eat. I'll be right back, okay?" he hums again and snuggles into the pillow and the covers.

Oh, God! I wanted to jump on him and just suffocate him with my hugs! How can a guy who could kill you with a look be this cute when he is asleep?!

I make my way to the kitchen and get everything I need to prepare some breakfast or lunch or whatever you want to call it, and of course, we can't forget some coffee. Katsuki drinks it black, not sure how, but he does. So that's easy.

I realize I forgot my jacket in the room, which in reality it's really Katuski's. I stole it from his closet once and never returned it. When he asked about it the first time, I lied and told him no idea. I got caught just a few days later when he entered my room and saw me wearing it.

He laughed so hard that day; I thought he had gone crazy. But he, of course, insulted me and called me an idiot for feeling the need to lie about it. Anyway, long story short, he was secretly and is still happy whenever he sees me wearing it.

I wanted to finish preparing the food as fast as possible because he was right, winter was around the corner, and I was already feeling the coldness in the dorms. Katsuki doesn't seem to be a fan of the cold.

Once I was done with everything, I put it all on a tray to take it up to the room when the door to the dorms opened, and everyone started flooding in. "Ah, (Y/N)! Good afternoon!" our lovely class president greets me.

Thankfully, Tenya didn't say anything to the others. According to Kirishima, he said it wasn't his business to meddle in, and it wasn't anyone else's either. He is really something else that Iida Tenya.

"Good afternoon, Tenya." I greeted back and didn't want to waste time here. So I grab the tray, and I was on my way up when everyone started flooding in.

Suddenly, I felt something warm around my neck and almost dropped everything when Tenya was standing next to me in a split second. "Got to take care of yourself from the cold." he clears his throat and looks away.

I look down and find his scarf around my neck; just as I was about to return it to him, it hit me what he was trying to do...

I completely forgot about the bruises on my neck... I look at myself again and realize I forgot about something else.

"(Y/N), that is a really big scar on your shoulder." Uraraka speaks up, and she was trying to get a better look at it.

"Wow! I didn't know you had so many scars on your arms. It always looks like you don't really get hurt." Momo innocently comments.

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