Chapter 44

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Tenya's POV:

It is finally the weekend. This week has been a tiring one, unlike the others, but it was expected as we are training for our provisional license exam. Everyone was working hard on their moves and physical abilities.

The teachers have been very supportive and helpful to us. I felt relieved and excited to know that All Might would still help teach us in our hero course. I was worried he would retire from his teaching position just like he did of his Hero title.

"Good morning, everyone!" I greet my classmates that were all sitting in the common room chatting with each other.

It was the first weekend we will all share together in the dorms; it was exciting to experience.

"Good morning, Iida." Midoriya comes to greet me with his breakfast in hand. "How was your night?"

We talk about our training and plans for the day, and of course, Midoriya's was almost fully booked with extra training. I tried telling him to take it easy, at least on the weekends, but it didn't seem to work.

"Where's (Y/N)?" I notice she wasn't around when I looked over at Bakugo's group.

"She must still be sleeping?" Midoriya answers me as he looks around.

"That is not good; her day is being wasted; just look at the time." I get up and walk towards the rooms to wake her up, not hearing Midoriya's calls.

On my way there, I see Kaminari. "Iida? Where are you going?"

"(Y/N) is still asleep; I'm going to wake her up. She probably didn't hear her alarm ring." I explain and continue on my way.

"Wait, Iida! I don't think you should-" he tries to tell me something but the elevator doors close. I'll just ask him when I get back down.

I knock on her door and wait for an answer, but I get none. I put my ear to the door, hoping to hear some sort of movement or noise to let me know if she's in there; I mean, she has to be. I knock again and call out to her.

After several knocks and calls, I hear shuffling inside. "(Y/N)? Are you awake?"

The door opens suddenly, and I almost did not recognize her. She was glaring at me with all her might and practically growls at me. I will admit it to myself but to no one else... I felt goosebumps everywhere and not the good kind.

"What do you think you're doing, Tenya?" she asks me.

"I'm waking you up; I thought you probably didn't hear your alarm. It's already ten in the morning." I explain.

Which she actually growls at. She did not look happy. "I didn't hear the alarm because I have no alarm on for the weekends. I like to sleep in on the weekends, Tenya!" she grips her door handle, almost as if stopping herself from attacking me...?

"Oh," I laugh nervously. "I didn't know that; you can get back to sleep then." I try to end this scary encounter.

"No point anymore; you already woke me up. And I'm going to kill you for it; I've already thought of at least ten ways to do it." she glares.

"U-Uh, i-it seems Midoriya is calling me. Goodbye!" I run out of there as fast as I could; I actually feared for my life. Who knew waking her up was such a dangerous mission...

(Y/N)'s POV:

Augh! I can't believe I'm awake this early again on the weekends! Why does no one let me sleep in? What's so bad about sleeping in? And what's with everyone thinking ten in the morning is late?!

I grab my large jacket and drag myself to the common room. I will need my coffee if I'm going to interact with people without biting their heads off. I reach the ground floor and practically stomp my way to the common room.

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